
I can see that, although the specific shot I'm thinking of isn't provocative so much as it's just a perfect encapsulation of her character. (It's while all the girls are filing into the stadium, before the competition starts. It's a tiny, tiny moment, but for some reason it's stayed with me.)
Also, On the Waterfront

Face in the Crowd is one of my favorites (although it does go a little over the top). I remember reading an interview with Patricia Neal where she said that out of all the leading men she worked with, Griffith was her favorite. It's interesting to speculate what his career might have been like if he'd never made the

Friday: Hannibal. I missed the first season, but watched the last few episodes of the second and was firmly hooked (the S2 finale still stands as one of the most affecting episodes of TV I've ever seen). This episode was terrific— the camera work in that opening sequence was absolutely thrilling, Gillian Anderson's

Stalag 17 has been one of my favorites for a long, long time (in fact, I thought about mentioning it in today's Q&A, because it's definitely a major favorite in our family). Some Like it Hot may not be "the funniest movie of all time" (can that judgement ever be made? Maybe in some distant future when there's no need

My friends made a 15-minute (roughly) version of this for a high school AP English project, done in full cross-dress, with essentially zero attempts at historical accuracy or correct accents. It is still one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
This looks good, too, though.

Thursday night, I went to see the new adaptation of Far From the Madding Crowd. It's absolutely gorgeous, and most of the cast is very good, with the exception of Tom Sturridge. He certainly looked the part, but Sergeant Troy needs to be a charming rogue, and Sturridge just didn't have any charisma at all. Plus, the

There are a few songs on the second album that I really like— "Aftershave Ocean", "I Always Knew", and "Teenage Icon" in particular— but the first album is much more consistent.

I'm stretching a little bit, but on Wednesday I took myself out to see Fury Road in celebration of my birthday. I loved it. I feel like at this point, there have been more than enough words spilled about its (many) virtues, so I don't really feel the need to elaborate too much. It's great fun, and I enjoyed pretty

I have a huge amount of affection for Dominion, largely due to Tom Wisdom and Anthony Stuart Head's performances. (ASH in particular seems to be acting in a much better and more interesting show than everyone around him). It's totally ridiculous, but in a fun way.

Friday: The friend who's been hosting movie nights at his place and I went to a screening of Mikey and Nicky at the Museum of Modern Art; I had recommended the film to him as something worth catching, and coincidence intervened. Despite its numerous flaws and utter misanthropy, there's something about it that really

Yes, I know— in fact I mentioned that it was an adaptation. It was only for brevity's sake that I didn't write out Leonard's name.

Oh, and of course, tomorrow, I'll be watching Wolf Hall. Last week's episode was one of the most spectacular hours of television I've seen in a long time— the scenes between Cromwell and the imprisoned More were just heartbreaking.

Friday: I didn't watch "Vikings". Because there was no new "Vikings". (I'm sorry, I felt like this was necessary for some reason.)

I definitely tend toward the first interpretation. It's weirdly become one of my favorite movies, even though I readily admit its moral center is essentially nonexistent (but that's sort of the point?). It's so quotable, too: "Hey, wait a minute. He's got him some snappy duds.".
(Sidebar: there's a brief moment at the

That was the opening track on a mix CD one of my friends made for me in… 8th grade? (I'm a youngster; this would have been around 2004-5). Anyway, I used to play it in the mornings while getting ready for school, to get myself going.

Friday: Watched the season finale of "Vikings". I love that nutty show— it will never be a "prestige drama", but it's thoroughly entertaining. Rollo's introduction to the French court cracked me up— Clive Standen's work has consistently been one of my favorite elements of the show, and his facial expressions

So, even though I knew there was no way Ragnar was actually dead, I still cried at Lagertha's coffin-side confession. Call me a sap, I guess.
And Bjorn is actually showing some initiative! Hooray! Let us pray that his stupid relationship drama gets dispensed with quickly next season.
And Rollo… First of all, I don't

The Band: King Harvest (Has Surely Come)- from The Band aka "the brown album"
The Black Keys: These Days- from Brothers
Bob Dylan: Desolation Row- from Highway 61 Revisited
Neko Case: The Needle Has Landed- from Fox Confessor Brings the Flood

I just got hired at a small publishing company— it's a pretty basic admin job but it's a regular paycheck, which is more than I have at the moment. I was kind of at a point of crisis a few weeks ago (the lease on my apartment is up at the end of June, and I told myself that if I didn't have a permanent gig by then, I

Friday: Watched "Vikings"— I have to say, the Paris court stuff is losing me (though that line about Rollo fighting like 'a crazy bear' was pretty great). It's still one of my favorite shows of the past 5 years. Also watched another Morse episode: Season 4, Episode 1: "The Infernal Serpent". I'm not sure I understand