an actual dog

Any Democrat who uses the word “bipartisanship” needs to be politely escorted from the building and cordially asked to never return.

Tim, I’m still lovingly playing through Dragon Quest XI. It is, I agree with you, the best Dragon Quest. I suspect Im nearing the climax of the second act.

“Who moderates this subreddit!? An actual DOG!??”

I think that if your default position is that the people you need to appeal to are part of the problem, then you’re going to run into the situation where, sooner or later, these same folks feel persecuted. That’s why Trump’s “Everybody can win with me!” approach is so difficult to counter with progressive politics.

Hopefully not by yourself. That would be insane and I would worry about you a lot. Also, Reddit is a generally a beast in and of itself.

It’s true. I’ve done that thankless job of moderating an online community and although it sucks sometimes and can be time consuming, there are some really important benefits of it, both for the moderator and for community members.

This is exactly the type of shit it’ll be great not to read the moment the comments open 

you’ll all be given cushy jobs! 

I deserve this. 

Honestly while I agree that a clean slate is a good place to start. I think that more effort needs to be put in for moderating the comments section with a decent reporting system.

But what about us brain dead slobs?

a good project would be trying to determine which ROOT commenters are actual black people and which ones are weirdo white people trying to be “down” because I see lots of odd, not-ringing-true, oddly desperately/suspiciously slang-packed comments on those articles

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In the past week, we’ve been inundated with information about Dr. Christine Ford’s allegations about Judge Brett