an actual dog

The very gradual way in which Kamurocho changes over the course of Yakuza’s now seven mainline installments is one of the many things I love about it.

The Democrats are going to fuck up 2018 and 2020.

If it weren’t for all the other dumb parts of this, that’s what I’d call the dumbest part of this. Knitting is great. I wish I could knit. If I could knit, I’d knit all the time.

this is the hard-hitting journalism I come for

The billions of dollars and countless hours that ideologically driven employers waste in order to squash the right of employees to organize and protect themselves is not just wrong, it usually damages the employer itself in lost productivity, morale and expertise in the workplace.

If nothing else, this video shows what persistence and a little ingenuity can do. I think if I’d have done the game like that twice only to come up short because of un-predictable game calculations, I’d have thrown in the towel.

But first let’s talk about parallel universes


This poor snowflake just needs a safe space where he can call 16 year olds hot on the Internet. Is that too much to ask?!?