an actual dog

“They couldn’t say no because I’m SO FUCKING AMAZING!”

I know this has been mentioned and written about (the Anna Merlan/Madeleine Davis “On Rumors” post yesterday was fantastic), but I still remember the avalanche of protest from his fans when these “rumors” surfaced on gawker and then the subsequent posts on Jezebel. I get occasional (and sometimes deserved) shit from

No, see here’s the thing. When you have power in a workplace and you “ask to consensually masturbate” someone can’t actually give proper consent because they risk losing their job if they say no.

Why is everyone roasting the AV Club for this? It is the right thing to do and even if they are not the Times or The Post, it still matters.

John — back away from the computer! Seriously, if you feel so strongly about it what’s your name? Danielle bravely used hers. In what capacity were you there? Obviously another woman there felt the same way, so it’s not beyond the possibility that this man acted inappropriately. We’ve all been there. Instead of caping

5'7" is the start of short?

Yeah, I got nothing.

I’m not short I’m a MEDIUM sized boy

I love that you said 5'8 was medium sized because I really could use a confidence boost today

Only a good rib-breaking guy could stop a bad rib-breaking guy.

Chad: What we do know is that we want to stay in the realm of hand-drawn art style for the foreseeable future.

Goddamn it, Ethan! Bowser is in this game? I’ve been spoiled for eternity. Looks like I’m going to fire my copy of the game into the sun now that you ruined it for me.

I love that he’s scared of shirtless Mario.

this is incredible