Nintendo has publicly denied that joke from an E3 demo for the upcoming Wii U game Paper Mario: Color Splash is a…
Nintendo has publicly denied that joke from an E3 demo for the upcoming Wii U game Paper Mario: Color Splash is a…
Good luck to you, Mr. Yang.
Steam doesn’t have many gay sex games. Plenty of anime boob games, sure, but if you’re looking for hot dudes getting…
Lyle Jeffs, the acting head of the polygamous, child-bride-marrying Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of…
*HamNo, his mouth agape, limply drops his almond juice flavored coffee to the ground in slow-motion, shattering the mug into a million pieces, as he reads the article*
Aww he was so nice to her! +10 cool points Enrique!
Fun fact: Enrique Iglesias has a woman clinging to him at all times to clean algae off.
What would you do if you were ever leaping distance from Enrique Iglesias? You would LEAP, you stupid girl!!!!!
she head too big for she gotdamn Barney
hard to write when ur friend is stuck in the barney
Where’s Darby? Did she go downstairs? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’m gonna run down and see if she’s there. Darby!…
“Ask a Former Drunk” is a five-part advice series running on Tuesdays. Read last week’s installment here.
This... It has always bothered me that people seemed to have forgotten just what a despicable piece of shit he was. People that are my age, and were all very much aware of this shit back in the day, just dumped it when we were old enough to bust out the music on the nostalgia train. Fuck that. I haven’t listened to…
This. I am so confused.
Police reports reveal that the late Michael Jackson amassed a collection of gruesome pornography and violent images,…
If you happen to drag yourself out of bed before noon on a Saturday and tune your TV set to a broadcast network, you…
I’ve been thinking about this all season long, and now that it’s over it’s just time to say it: Warriors fans are…
it fake.
i am feeling not very bright. the words are beautiful but I think im maybe not getting it, embarrassingly. is there are one or two sentence summary you might be willing to provide, about what flew over my head? i am 100% not being a hater. i want in on the message!
This is about butt stuff right