an actual dog

“Lost my temper.” BULLSHIT. This was predetermined. He brought that knife to meet her.

“I know people think I’ve had a nose job.”

No. Fuck make-up, and fuck anyone who tries to say it’s some fundamental part of the female experience.

I enjoy playing with make-up, but I have never carried anything but lipstick with me when I leave the house. Am I girling wrong?

*sigh* not nearly as sinister as model agency reps. hanging around outside of eating disorder clinics :(

Is that where Terry Richardson started?

When I was a teenager, Cosmo Girl!used to pluck kids hanging around on the street outside our school for photo shoots.

I love how they made the “no curves” girl lean way back to flatten her stomach out. No curves usually means your stomach sticks out farther than your (non)boobs, and you can’t have a fleshy stomach showing without a nice pair of tits to even it out!

a bargain at twice the price,really.

counterpoint: private bathroom

“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

Even Jez on it’s worst day is still so much better than xoJane on it’s best, in my opinion.

That was me! I wandered over there, cuz I was all grumpy about what was going on here, and was just like, “”

What would the rest of her life been like? She would have either been institutionalized or a major burden on her family.

I was a little bit surprised at how many Jez/Kinja people “moved” over there during some of the inter-internet drama of a few months ago. I wonder (and hope) that maybe they’ll be driven back here by the drivel over there.

This bitch is exactly how I imagine my former best friend talks about me and my depression. She never reached out and then when we got together she would complain that all I ever did was bring the group down. I begged her to invite me to things because my postpartum depression was keeping me isolated and lonely. I get

or even worse, boring people telling boring stories about boring things.