an actual dog

using your ex-girlfriend’s pics to catfish other men is a kind of fucked up I’ve never heard about before! always new kinds of fucked up to learn about

pretty sure Kim Kardashian is gonna be president I’m sorry to inform 

if you’re wondering if anyone up there really gives a shit the answer is no they really don’t

he is but a child

Incredible Kirk Cousins content. Thank you. 

lmao they’ll never shut the fuck up about metal gear

Stop giving a shit about companies and start caring about people before we all die, please and thank you

Fuck off you piece of shit

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with telling someone who is annoying you to fuck off and yall need to stop posting like this.

It fucks me up how many people are going all “well actually she shouldn’t have” about the woman who lost her job because of a mob of angry gamers. This rundown is good.

what they want is worse than feudalism 

yea it’s real click the link

They also made this

Fandom wiki pages are a pain in the ass to use and if there’s any other wiki out there to use instead I will.

nothing makes me feel anymore except for stuff like this

There’s a really obvious reason why he’s not endorsing: Levi s obviously gonna lose lol. According to the Boston Globe he’s one of many in a crowded field, has only raised a fraction of the money his competitors have, and lives an hour outside the district. No one would be talking about him if his last name wasn’t

I don’t know what to do with this family

So deeply pumped for this game. The new mechanics are wild and cool but it’s still very much tennis underneath it all. I had a really good time with the demo even though I’m not very good at it lol

After reading your review I was expecting the ending to not work but wow, I disagree completely. I think that you were looking so hard for a specific thing out of the game that you miss what made it special.

That looks like an intentional mechanic to me, and pretty interesting.