an actual dog

I’m just trying to be helpful :(

Have these weirdos never heard of toys?

This kind of unintentional social media ad thing happens, and this isn’t as bad as the time Joan Rivers came back from the dead to promote the iPhone.

Next year I’m going as this post for holloween


look at that dog’s face. it wanted to go


Because the fact that the game was so popular with streamers resulted in a lot of additional sales, and a whole lot of $$$. They then used that $$$ to make Soma, which is a fucking incredible game. So forgive them, it’s a part of the hustle.

step one: be a beloved first lady of the united states

The idiots who run Harvard fucked up, and so the students and employees gotta bear the cost? Ok

I expect Alicia to sue Donald for $150 million

CGI has gotten to the point where you can do just about anything you want in a live action movie, and on a modest budget. This is what we’re doing with that technology.

This isn’t funny anymore :(

read receipts

You can use a Gmail account with the Microsoft Outlook app!! And that app is very good, and a lot like Mailbox! It also has calendar and files stuff but I don’t touch those and it’s fine!

That number is very misleading: it’s the price that Netflix paid for the series, not what it actually cost to make. It’s not comparable to the production cost numbers Bobby compares it to, which is a number we don’t know. There’s not a small chance that it’s way less, maybe even under 100k an episode.

That was me, thanks Paris

The giant bomb guys are wrong, the game is fucking great.

I hate that this movie is being framed as a movement, when it's just a fucking product.