Implied Kappa

Please credit the independent local outlet that has been covering this story doggedly since long before the mainstream press began paying attention, PubliCola, which was responsible for most of the breaking-news stories that were later picked up by larger outlets. PubliCola was the first to cover the footage of the

I didn’t see the little label above the article!

If 18 years of child support isn’t enough to scare men, I don’t think 18 years and 9 months will be any more effective.

In an additional bit of good luck, after finding the treasure Bore was able to violently kill a whole platoon of Nazis on his way home.

It’s nice to know that geriatrics clinging to power as their mental and physical faculties convert to Swiss cheese is one of the few non-partisan issues in America.

In related news the Catholic Archdiocese of Greater Ohio has petitioned to change ‘minor’ to ‘ungrown adult’.

Some archdruid left their bog in a no parking zone again.

Ha!  That’s not even close to a rhyme.

The government has a legal mandatory requirement to citizens to purchase a for-profit product but corporations don’t have a legal requirement to provide it.

 No, I had cupcake that glows in the dark. It seemed like a solid bet. 

This was a very thoughtful deconstruction. On point. I think it was Blake Lively with her Antebellum thing that lasted a day.

Sure, but Mario’s voice isn’t a nondescript whining sound effect like Snoopy, he’s actually saying words. Sure, those words are typically things like “let’sa go” and “it’sa me, Mario” and a lot of them can get endlessly reused, but they do periodically need him to say new words or say a new name or something and I’d

They can just hire Chris Pratt.

Not sure if this will change your mind, but if you are still evaluating facts...

Why do all these so called hardworking blue collar middleclass folks who despise elitists keep gravitating towards billionaires?

Wow, look at this hot young Republican firebrand with his radical new ideas such as: anti-trans, pro-Putin, anti-woke, abortion is murder, God, country, and unchecked capitalism raping the earth to cinders.

G/O Media sites need to find a new pejorative and stop using “unhinged”. You all use is so much it’s losing its meaning. Get a thesaurus! 

The idea of “romantic relationship in a world that follows video game logic” is a genuinely fun premise that is explored well. “Seven evil exes” is both a good narrative hook for the (less important) action stuff and the (more important) relationship stuff. Beyond that, the visuals in both the book and the movie are