Implied Kappa

In fairness, it’s a principle of our legal system that everyone Republicans are assumed belligerently declared innocent until proven guilty a RINO

Personally I like to hit the “Two for Tuesday” deal at my local abortionarium and then get my hair dyed the brightest blue they can find.  

God, you’re so right. I can’t tell you how many times I get my paycheck and head right down the street to the abortion office and blow it all. They’re just too damn tasty!

C’mon guys, give the conservatives a break! All they had was their one dogshit music genre, and all their efforts in it were completely outshone by a single mediocre rapper who also happened to be black and gay. I’d be pissed if I were them too.

I heard Mumford & Sons referred to as “Imagine Wagons” the other day and I felt that needed to be shared wider. (it was probably on this site).

Aldean: Try that in a Small Town

Only if paired with a Jonas Sulk film so we can have Pocketsulk.

I think that’s a valid question but I don’t think either answer is unreasonable.

Honestly, what is left to “explain”? Everyone understands what abortion is. Singing “Life begins at conception” in a different key isn’t going to change any minds, and the hard-line pro-life crowd has consistently fought any attempts to moderate the official GOP position.

Yeah, I think the more clearly they explain their position, the more people reject it. Republicans seem to do best when they lie about their positions.

There’s nothing to understand. It’s just fake money. You can’t spend it & nobody wants it.

Can it, incel

1. It’s her body, she can do whatever she wants with it.
2. Where does it say that she claims the people who wanted more from her are “horrible”
3. She doesn’t owe any of the people who gave her money jack shit. They paid for a service, she provided. And now she’s choosing to walking away from that stuff.  I do not see

It’s okay; no one really bothered to write it either.

Sorry you can’t handle a little thought bro. You’re free to focus on the dumb aspects and ignore any deeper meaning others might find, but other people are allowed to think and connect even a light-hearted thing to broader societal issues, and there is often utility in doing that, even if not everyone wants to

I assume the third Justin is Timberlake since he has a habit of riding on the coattails of black excellence.

What on Earth are Feinstein and McConnell concerned about if they step down? That their party will lose their seat? Feinstein is from California, McConnell is from Kentucky. I can’t imagine safer Democratic and Republican, respectively, areas. These two are fueled by their own egos and nothing more.

The fact that he can still run for president shows just how worthless our system is.

Following the conclusion of the criminal trial, some of the complainants are reportedly pursuing a civil case against Space, according to Variety. The current trial is set to continue for at least four weeks.”
