Implied Kappa

The dude must be a fantastic actor to hide how he’s such a whining infant all these years.

He was acquitted of all charges, had a shitload of built up good will and while talented, was also very much a man that never really left his childhood, given that he didn’t get to have much of one between his talent putting him in the spotlight constantly and famously abusive father beating his ass for anything he

Scream Uno: The Firstening

Elon is the Idiocracy version of a Bond villain.

Yep. Not sure he’s sexy enough for Tucker Carlson, though.

I mean, it helps that actual conservative conservatives are quite happy to front for this garbage in return for a boatload of crazy voters. If the two aren’t one and the same, they’re at least some kind of hyphenate alliance.

Really, it was better in the original German.

I get accused of being a ‘centrist’ or a ‘right-wing apologist’ on here a lot, when really the only thing I’m advocating for is for the left to actually engage with what the right is saying - like, the actual points that they’re making - and learn to dismantle those.

 That's nice dear. 

College kids, drunks and stoners 15 years ago: “Man, if I could get fast food delivered right now, that would punish. These restaurants would make a billion dollars, I don’t know why they wouldn’t try it.”

I’ve been a plumber for 30 years and you wouldn’t believe the amount of turtles I had to stomp daily. 

Keeping your car idle for any longer won’t provide any tangible benefits—

So being ableist and insulting people by calling them disabled is cool if you’re talking about a magazine now? Got it.

I mean I’ve always said the best way to drop a nuke exactly where you want it is to just launch it into the jet stream and let Jesus take the wheel.

This is dumb as shit.

Finally, a space where spending more money means having more influence.

Saying something is a “good idea” because Facebook has started doing it, is not a very convincing argument...

If Florida teachers were to strike, the governor and legislature would probably put random people who dropped out of high school in place to fill in. 

Years ago, I read an article about Columbine that suggested that maybe the threat of school shooting would stop bullying. I don’t know why I just thought of that.

No, you guys aren’t commenting on lack of proofreading.