Implied Kappa

I’m too afraid to start a game that I know is just going to get cancelled after two levels.

That sequence with the shark-mouthed ghost devouring the player, that’s basically a real-life representation of Nintendo’s IP legal team in action...

My theory is his that his brain is so toxic that even his body is trying to reject and eat it. That’s why every year he has less and less neck.

Many of whom are also pig people.

You want this man to die BEFORE he can see everything he’s worked for humiliatingly stripped from him and forced to face the consequences of a life built on lies and hatred? Where’s your humanity?

I think that’s why it’s so funny.

It’s funny because I hope he fucking dies.

Excellent, thank you. Parliamentary procedure has always been pretty opaque to me but I’m glad they have the appropriate mechanisms in place.

That’ll happen in November. The consumption of Toomey is for when the senate reconvenes in January 2023.

Really beside the point.

I’m something of a believer in the Pokémon Picross monetization scheme: set an upper limit on the amount of money a person is able to spend. (In that case, once you buy a certain amount of currency, whether it was all at once or in small chunks, the game’s currency became free. This could be readily modified for

Congratulations Blizzard. You managed to make a pay to lose game.

Haven’t we already seen this book?

Kind of telling that he doesn’t connect a growing popular dislike of his religion with his own effing behavior. A true autocrat.

The Sydney Sweeney Only Fans comment is gross and I don’t think the intent of the comment was empowering so...

The fuck is this nonsense right here? You’re acting like Democrats are actually passing legislation on these made up issues (“rainbow unicorn mascot of the transgender football team demanding (demanding!) a choice of pronouns.“).

Ah, but you see, he’s cleverly suing for deformation of character instead!

You are very quick to give extra-judicial authority to people who have proven themselves unable to avoid abusing the authority they already have.

Are we just straight up acknowledging that it’s the cops’ job to shoot people without due process now?

He was grumpy because he had to eat them, you see