Implied Kappa

I forgot to add, everything in America is a scam.

I think the only case where NFTs make sense would be an open-source game, where the is no centralized authority running the servers, but you want a way to validate in-game item ownership. The problem is, that’s still just a way of perpetuating BS artificial scarcity in games, and turning a pastime into a skeevy resale

It’s like people complaining about musicals - no one just bursts into song and starts dancing around!

But I do! If I don’t have a song handy, I’ll make one up!

I don’t think your GF is a great judge of things ‘nobody does’.

“The Embracer Group”

Have an adult read it to you.

Defense called for a mistrial on the grounds that all the testimony was making their client look guilty.

When life itself is valued less than property and money, the only way to force justice is to go after the thing they value (property and money)


All and all, for going back to a heroin addict’s hotel room that seems like one of the better situations she could have walked in on.

At this point in cinematic history many cisgendered women have played characters going through pregnancy, and I’m fairly certain those ranks have included women whom, for various reasons, are unable to conceive or even go through biological processes like menstruation. From an audience perspective imo, the real life

My Board Game group has been playing Gloomhaven for a few months now and it has been pretty awesome. The game itself, while complicated, is easy enough to get a handle on. Eventually you’ll start working on tactics instead of trying to remember the rules. Though we still pull out the rulebooks for a lot of situations.

Hey, it’s not for everyone, but some people find refining strategy and trying to find your opponent’s errors very fun, especially because these two people are so good at it. If you wanted to be more accurate, you should have called them nerd bitches instead.

You could try swallowing some of the opponents game pieces. I bet nobody has thought of that one!


This is my general problem with the show. I enjoyed season 1, and seasons 2 and 3 soured me on Midge considerably. I suppose those traits were there from the get-go, but they get worse as the series goes on and Midge refuses to reckon with her immense privilege and all of the shit that she constantly fucks up for

Yeah, I think we can acknowledge that Midge crossed a line she couldn’t see from her privileged vantage point. She meant no harm, but Shy’s position is so precarious that he can’t risk the slightest suspicion. I hope there is some kind of reckoning for her, but she doesn’t need to be crucified.

Honestly part of the reason Hanukkah is more celebrated in the US is because it can be kinda turned into a Jewish Christmas.

Midge has made some pretty questionable decisions all throughout the show and the creators don’t seem very interested in interrogating any of them. 

She was dancing to Jet’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl, which was an inescapable hit song 3 years before the movie premiered (and not some generic girl-power music, whatever the worth of the song itself)