Implied Kappa

I’ve already replaced milk with butter in my morning cereal. When this becomes the big trend of 2023, remember that you heard it here first.

Awwww. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer demagogue.

The sad fact is that we’ve now seen red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple M&Ms with absolutely zero white representation.

No such thing. Toss in Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis for me.

Sadly, yes.

I spent the weekend finishing OMORI and then telling myself I was going to be productive, but then finishing a second playthrough and starting a third. Considering my reactions to the game in the first few hours centered around, “Uh... what is this? Is this game going to try way too hard to be edgy?” and, “Wait, the

Hopefully this goes about as well as the army’s attempts at outreach on Twitch. I’d personally be interested in hopping into chat to ask him why every single picture of him looks like it’s been photoshopped to flip his mouth upside down.

The bird has been watered down so much by people flipping off the camera for Facebook and, for some reason, dating profiles. I mean, in the context of driving it has a clear meaning, but just having people flip off the camera and sticking it on social media, who are you even mad at? What possible statement could you

When Greendale finds themselves outmatched at paintball, they wind up winning a psychological victory by tanking the pirates’ MeowMeowBeanz scores.

There are so many worthwhile things to say about how terrible of a human being Matt Gaetz is, but my first reaction to any story on him is always, “Who the fuck put this guy’s mouth on upside-down?”

Spy Fox was king of the Humongoverse.

I believe I’m halfway through Omori, if the chapters are roughly the same length and there are no surprises (in an RPG that oscillates between twee “best friends forever” in a magical dream world and a real world where Bad Shit has happened and the protagonist is absolutely haunted and hasn’t left his house for 4

Yeah, think I’m just going to remap the controls so A does everything, thanks.

I’d call those out of season. “Scandalously out-of-date Christmas lights” sound like they spell out “Merry Christmas, Elizabeth II” or “Greatest nation on earth!”

“We’ve always done it this way,” lieutenant Mark Park told the AP.

I’m not going to begrudge anyone their fun in Fortnite, or PUBG, or Warzone, or Call of Duty, or TF2, or CS:Go, or Tom Clancy’s Wet Fart, but I’ve had the noob experience enough to know that I just don’t have the patience to suffer the casual experience in a world other players live and breathe. Shooters are miserable

I was surprised to hear people assuming/hoping there would be an in-person AGDQ in Florida within the past month. Yes, the hotel was awesome, but everything that’s happened in the state over the past 2 1/2 years since the last event in Orlando has made it so hostile to the culture of GDQ and the measures they’d want

That is absolutely the stand-out line of the interview. Came down to the comments to underscore it if somebody hadn’t already.