Implied Kappa

I didn’t know this game existed until yesterday, but I guess it’s been one a lot of people in my circles have been anticipating. I watched a bit of the gameplay last night in between household chores, either catching people in the middle of a town-building segment or in the middle of a crusade, but never enough of

1) Funny... she doesn’t look shrewish.

Let Me Shrivel Here

I almost never check the byline, but sooner or later, I always know when I’ve stepped into the Carruthers Zone.

Just read the 2018 review and saw the comparison to Faster Than Light. I was gifted a copy of FTL sometime within the last year, but I haven’t fired it up yet. I also have never seen any gameplay footage and had somehow convinced myself it was more shmuppy and less strategy/puzzle. I guess I’ll re-file it in my brain

Yeah, but this is just bread. Beyond Meat is getting real fucking lazy.

Those ears speak to me. They say, “Help me, Doughbi-Wan! You’re my rollnly hope!”

Real Sideshow Bob energy here.

I’ve found the best thing to eat when I’m dealing with depression is Zoloft. It’s not very filling, but I’ll take it over a bowl of depression ramen.

Even as someone who’s been playing Everhood on-and-off for about a month and never touched Neverhood, I still have to stop myself from typing “Neverhood.” But Everhood’s an indie gem that just came out last year, from a dev team that hasn’t made anything else, so they haven’t had the opportunity to be shitty creators.

The idea had been that I’d finish Baba Is You and start a new RPG this week. And I did finally get the true ending of Baba Is You and clear the intro world of Star Ocean 4. I have a save file. It is inching forward day by day. But at work on Monday I just got one of the Everhood songs stuck in my head, and I wound up

Manhood? Just call it “Dick” already.

You’re responding to an article about Democrats challenging Hulu’s inconsistency with regard to political ads about abortion, gun control, and January 6th with a diatribe about wokeness. Are you lost? Or are you just popping into random comment sections to remind everyone you think the fight for trans rights is

Boy, hating the boogeyman of wokeness sure does make people vomit words into the comment section.

I’ve been saying for years, half-jokingly (because I never expected this to happen), that Square-Enix needed to do a remake of Live-a-Live and release it outside of Japan. What we’ve gotten is a such a worthy remake, I’m just in awe.

This is all very good insight, but “Stay together for the kids” fits on a bumper sticker, so the Republicans went with that.

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

When a boxer and a brief love each other very much...

It’s been a big week of finishing smaller, quicker games, namely Final Fantasy 2, Superliminal and Everhood. Everhood really does feel like one I’ll pop in to do a quick-ish 4-5 hour playthrough or make attempts to get through my last handful of damageless fight achievements every now and then. I’ll probably never get