Implied Kappa

Shoulda called it Amazon Eye of Sauron.

Now they just need to convince someone to buy a ticket to see it so they can break even.

Joke’s on you. I haven’t been f’ed in years!

You’ve mostly missed out on in-game loot and cosmetics. The actual games get absolutely buried among the alerts about outfits and gun skins. That said, there have been some occasional gems.

Now playing

This weekend’s gonna start right out of the gate with a board game night that will at some point include finally playing the copy of Isle of Cats I bought in January, and then I will essentially be attached to my PC until I finish out Everhood.

I prefer “more dollars than sense,” but we’re heading the same direction on this one.

The only thing I really knew about the Avengers game was that it went hard on Twitch ads and had some kind of bubblegum tie-in product that came with codes to claim costumes or whatever. Even after reading this article, I can’t begin to imagine how it plays, but I still remember those ads. They seem destined to be my

“How dare you act like all conservatives are assholes!”

*acts like an asshole*

Port and Starboard sounds like a pro wrestling tag team.

For the site’s anniversary they’re going to unveil a slideshow full of videos (each of which could have just been the one paragraph of content it summarizes, but FUCK YOU, it’s video time!), each summarizing Reddit posts.

You laugh, but Kanye’s been writing disturbing threats about the fish on social media ever since.

Oh, I know. There aren’t enough adults in the room to form a birthday party, much less a political party.

Clarence Thomas publishing his Christmas list of cases to reverse in his opinion on Roe takes a lot of the mystery out of what’s to come. It was like if Jason Voorhees published his schedule for the day on a Camp Crystal Lake bulletin board. It took the element of surprise away, but it’s no less menacing.

What’s next, treating women like human beings?

But the real question is, would it get higher ratings than The Apprentice?

You can call them Republicans, but anyone who doesn’t embrace every single one of the lies is a RINO. Republicans are now the party of, “Fuck you. I don’t care if you have proof; this is my version of the story and my entire party will back me up on this.”

I think I’m going to have to catch up on my RPG backlog before I drop too much money on what was announced today, but I already had Live-A-Live slated as a day 1 purchase, so if the first three chapters are available now.... is it a demo? Am I preordering it and getting the first three chapters early? Am I downloading

While we’re at it, I wouldn’t mind if they borrowed the music composers from Guac.

Petition to rename The Takeout to Hot Dog Club.

Just... in general, having a huge pickup truck doesn’t give you license to drive like an asshole and bully sedans and pedestrians into coming to sudden stops while you erratically swerve through the parking lot at 30 miles an hour. This is largely true outside of parking lots, too.