Implied Kappa

But please, Wendy’s Twitter, snark on about how everyone else sucks.

Go back to the very beginning and include “Mr. T Ate My Balls,” you cowards!

Live a Live is a game I’ve been half-jokingly bringing up every time Square’s remade a game in recent years. It’s an amazing game, but obscure enough that it was completely irrational to hope for.

Live-a-Live is the game I brought up every time Square made a remake of anything else, knowing it would never happen. I cannot say “holy shit” enough times over this announcement.

It’s been a week of nothing but Final Fantasy XIII. I took a long detour to knock out a bunch of hunts and level up and upgrade my weapons before I could kill chapter 11 Barthandelus, who apparently casts doom on you if you’re taking too long chipping away at his health. I was kinda mad about that, but I guess it’s a

You wouldn’t kill a policeman and then steal his helmet.

The city I grew up on had a donut shop that was featured on a Takeout top 10 for donut shops across the US a year or two ago.

Using Bricklink as a resource to make a world for Brick Link. I dig it.

And you can especially debate stupid if you’re talking to someone you’ve known for years, so they actually have a reason to listen to you. In the early days of the pandemic my roommate was starting to spout talking points one of his other friends had parroted to him after listening to too many conservative talk shows,

There is no happy version of Henry being at Party Down, no matter how much time has passed. If very little time has passed, his renewed confidence in his acting abilities still didn’t land him anything worth quitting catering over. If significant time has passed, at best he got himself a substantial role that led to

This may be the most depressing joke I’ve starred all day.

I haven’t been doing completion times or adding any info about my experiences with the games outside of a column for comments/progress summary; in fact, when a game’s done, it gets deleted off my spreadsheet entirely for the catharsis of having less info to juggle.

I actually had fun with that after I’d mastered gravity and ship controls. The really dumb one involves surfing in the DLC.

I just picked up Escape Simulator yesterday and ran through the tutorial with my Wednesday night online co-op partner, having just helped her platinum Operation Tango. The tutorial really was baby mode, dropping you into a nursery with a crib and primary-colored toys to learn the ropes. I don’t know that I really have

That sounds like the sort of heist my sister would’ve engineered and I would’ve been blamed for - just distilled childhood, through and through.

I feel like I went PC shopping at just the right time in August 2020. I was going off of a list of recommended builds, but the Amazon prices were like $500-$1000 higher than the price ranges in the guide I was following, so I just gave up and bought a $1500 prefab so I wouldn’t have to snipe individual parts when

For as hard as To the Moon hit, Rakuen destroyed me.

For as hard as To the Moon hit, Rakuen destroyed me.

I don’t have specific memories of just chowing down on spoonfuls of Quik - I usually had the patience to stir it in and get it to dissolve and chew on whatever cocoa pebbles sanks to the bottom - but I also know I was a disgusting little child who would not have hesitated to shovel a heaping spoonful of anything

I occasionally get the clicker bug, but after a week I invariable look at how much time I’ve spent on the game and take a step back to acknowledge that the diminishing returns aren’t very satisfying and I could be playing games that offer me a lot more variety, and then it’s gone, and I’m free of clickers’ grasp for