Implied Kappa

Yeah, I’m still hearing about how good RE2 is decades after release. I played enough of the first few Silent Hill titles and watched enough B-horror trash movies that I’m expecting to be able to adjust to tank controls and appreciate the games’ stories for what they are. I still hang out with retro horror game

Resident Evil is one of those series I’ve been aware of from the very beginning, but my first direct experience with it was a friend bringing Resident Evil 2 over to my birthday party and just, like, plugging in his PS1 and playing it in front of us while telling us how cool it was, while we tried to figure out what 6

These things:

I’ll never say no to butterscotch. Which is why I need to avert my eyes, not peek at the ingredients, avoid memorizing the amounts. I’m starting to get momentum going on this weight loss, damn it!

Ah, shoot, that was supposed to say “protective layer of smog.”

This is a story about a white woman throwing a Whopper in a black woman’s face and calling her the most hateful word I can think of because her tomato was too thick. This is a really weird article to inspire a “this is the last straw! It’s time to stand up for white people!” moment.

I, for one, appreciate that fossil fuels provide a protective layer of sun to lessen windmills’ impact on the sun’s lifespan.

Pour one out for the objectless Oculus populace.

And here I’ve been spending my money on fresh meat like a moron.

Venti iced caramel macchiato. It’s a candy-coated mess to begin with, and I don’t dare customize beyond “iced.”

I managed to knock out Harvest Moon: Magical Melody last weekend, earning my 50th note-chievement in mid-fall the first year. I had fun, and I think it’s cool that the story is built around a sleepy town trying to attract new people, so villagers continue to join the community throughout the game based on what you’re

I dunno, sounds like a pretty good deal. Rather than being stuck paying $60 for a collection when you only care about five games, you can pay $10 for those games with two freebies thrown in. Or if you really do want to get the whole shebang, you go on PC and get a $20 discount for all 32.

I don’t know, I didn’t have an issue with the length. I’ve got plenty of short games I can re-experience in an hour or less that I have nothing but positive things to say about. But maybe, having paid $1.99, it’s impossible for me not to feel like I got my money’s worth, and I will never fully appreciate how people

That’s a thought I’ve been having in many different contexts lately.

Huh. That does help the price make a lot of sense. I was kinda vaguely aware of the printing kiosks, but it never factored into my enjoyment, so I never put 2 and 2 together.

Did you at least hold onto the gym long enough to get some coins out of it? Or had you already done your daily coin claim?

I was in high school when Pokemon really started picking up steam in the US, and it all seemed very much aimed at someone half my age, so after brief humoring a friend and playing through Blue, then watching the back half of one episode, I wrote the series off as Not For Me and dug into some of Square’s deeper PS1

Bottom line is, if Trump shot a man on 5th Avenue, the Republicans would blame Biden for not jumping in front of the bullet.

I hope it’s the kind where the real Vietnamese coffee was in their hearts all along. Though I think that might cause some health complications, since that’s where blood’s supposed to go.

I’d be opposed to this if it were $1 per game, but just having a reasonably priced option that works across the entire collection... I’m all for it. I grew up on NES difficulty and conquered a lot of bullshit, but I’ve largely lost my patience for the type of difficulty older arcade games offer. This feels like a good