Implied Kappa

I went into New Vegas expecting it to be a quick cash grab capitalizing on the recent popularity of Fallout 3 by just shitting out a game in the same engine, but I’ll be damned... it was a significant step up. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Ah yes, the fabled Iron Horse.

This might seem like a fun idea at first, but once you really got down to it, it’d be a thoroughly joyless experience.

Ideal comfort game... interesting question. Most of what would fall into that category for me would be on the NES and SNES. The original Zelda, Link to the Past, and Link’s Awakening. Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, and Zero Mission. Super Dodgeball. Mega Man 1-3. Final Fantasy 6. Chrono Trigger Toe Jam & Earl. I

If I can handle my own home cooking, I can eat a murder hornet or two. Gonna have to bury it in a tortilla, crepe, spring roll, or ravioli, though; if I see recognizable bug thorax, that thing is not getting past my tongue.

I just want to replace his gun with a bindle so I can play as HoboKop. Is that so much to ask?

Huh. I just named my kid Frank, and even without the Elvish bullshit or model numbers, he’s still the unknown variable.

I’m glad I live in a world where I don’t have to be the first person to declare this study invalid over the lack of Chubby Hubby. Makes me feel like humanity can at least agree on the really important things.

Generally, the sounds of hissing, bubbling, spattering, and chopping is music enough for me, but there is one song I have a very vivid cooking memory about:

Man, when I worked at a federal office, the only time someone’s shitty attitude toward me actually led to anything was when I refused to let someone cut to the front of line during a 3 1/2 hour wait time, and they said I needed to watch how I treated people because I never knew who’d be waiting in the parking lot

There was one couple who was talking about hosting a “Coronavirus party” where they’d make green margaritas with lime garnishes that looked like viruses and play Pandemic, and that rubbed me the wrong way. But by and large, people have found it cathartic to play as medical professionals who know what they’re doing,

Board Games

I’ve gone through a lot of transitional periods over the past couple decades, so I’ve found myself poor and seeking cheap meals that are ludicrously filling so I can eat off of the same pot of gruel for a week. The one that keeps coming back - even when I’m not struggling with finances and I’m just feeling lazy and

It’s amazing how many people who are coming forward as the foremost experts on epidemiology have spent their entire lives doing work that has nothing to do with epidemiology. I guess engineering teaches you far more about how diseases spread than a decades-long career studying how diseases spread. God bless America.

This was exactly how my mom made artichokes. We’d just start with a big dollop of mayo on our plate and start peeling. We’d scrape as much of the soft flesh off the bottom of each leaf as we could with our teeth, and leave a pile of leaves with incisor streaks off to the side, eventually taking over the entire plate.

If he tested positive next week, swiftly and visibly showing that there are consequences for saying, “Eh... I’ll be fine,” can you imagine the impact it would have on...

I’m a fan of terrible portmanteaus. Can this be a pandemicnic?

To be closer to the source material, obviously. Why read The Two Gentlemen of Verona in China when you can study it in the US and visit beautiful Verona, Wisconsin, and really experience the setting firsthand? Or if you really want to know what’s rotten in the state of Denmark, you can just take a quick trip to

All I want in life is to see Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker, and Jonathan Swift’s reactions to the Trump presidency.

Then they’re made of wood.