Implied Kappa

I’m in medical admin, so I actually get to keep my 9-5-ish, M-F schedule and keep track of the days of the week, but my roommate bailed and went to another laid-off friend’s apartment when being home alone every day started driving him batty. Now all of the markers I included in my week to help anchor me are gone.

I’ve been doing a lot of simple foods. Today for lunch I’m going to have the fifth and final batch of an “everything that’s left in the fridge” chili (consisting of black beans, onions, red bell peppers, avocado, and pork al pastor, with generous doses of garlic and hot sauce) and I restocked last night with the

For proper solar distancing, make sure to keep at least 4 million miles of space from the sun’s corona.

If he was collecting benefits, it should be processed automatically. Just make sure you don’t spend the payment he gets in April, if they didn’t stop it in time.

It’s dumb that I needed to, but I found a consistent way to attach pictures:

Not sure exactly what your situation is, but if your father was not already receiving Social Security benefits, you may want to file for a one-time Lump Sum Death Payment of $255 to help with funeral expenses.

I just need a coffee that’s cheap enough that, when I only finish half the pot on Saturday and turn the machine back on to warm it up on Sunday, I don’t feel like I’m ruining something I paid good money for. I definitely know when I’m tasting moderately good coffee vs. the industrial drum of Folger’s my office scoops

This is exactly the announcement I’ve been waiting to hear. I got a Switch last year, but previously hadn’t owned a Nintendo console since the Gamecube - and even then, I never bought Sunshine because my brother owned it. With the Wii, DS, 3DS, and Wii U, I’ve got a pretty big gap in my gaming that I wouldn’t mind

Why would he be in a physics-based action/puzzle game? He should stick to sports.

Yeah, price is why I keep sitting on my plans to pick it up. But I saw a group playing it at AGDQ back in January and I really dig the atmosphere. I didn’t stick around long enough to see any combat or major plot revelations, but just the exploration of the environment, with the app streamlining the process of

My childhood experience with Peeps was that my grandpa and his third wife, we suspected, would buy Easter candy on sale the week after Easter, then foist them upon us the next year and watch us expectantly, waiting for us to be overjoyed by their one-year-old, stale, dried-out marshmallow bath sponges. My enterprising

You know, it just dawned on me that there were a couple FPSs that really grabbed me over the past year. Syndicate (2012) was not the game I expected, but after I cracked the “this has nothing to do with the old PC game” barrier, both the single-player and multiplayer experiences were excellent.

Yeah, the art is very eye-catching, and the actual game is simple to learn but lends itself to some pretty complex strategies revolving around engine building, resource management, and worker placement. It only took me four games before I said, “You know what? I need to own everything,” and popped on the Kickstarter

Huh. Scythe’s on that list, and it’s one I already have in my game closet. I’d specifically been thinking about purchasing Mansions of Madness, too. Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm.

I haven’t played a Doom since Doom 64. From reading this one’s reviews, it sounds more and more like the one I need to check out is the last one that came out a few years ago. I don’t know. I always found FPS’s fascinating, but they were never a genre I was naturally goot at or cared to put the time into to get good

I haven’t yet reached the point of this global crisis where I’m ready to make depression chili, so I’m gonna hold off on these for now, but I do have chili beans and M&Ms, so when it gets to that point, I am ready for these.

Oh, cool! I had a lot of fun with Sub Terra when a couple brought it to game night. I hope it scratches the itch for you two while we wait for society to un-crumble itself.

My board game group played through Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 back in September, and I surprised everyone and pulled Season 2 out of my car when we finished our last session, long before we had any reason to believe we would be in an actual pandemic before we finished it. We got about 3/4 of the way through the game

My roommate got me Yellowbird’s habanero/carrot hot sauce (among others) for Christmas, and it was my favorite of the bunch. They make good stuff.

I’m on FFX-2 right now and enjoying it far more than I did FFX. I think experimental, not-even-really-sure-if-this-works-but-hey-it’s-different RPGs might just be what I’m in the mood for right now. And working out a route to figure out how to best accomplish everything I want to do in a limited span of time is