Implied Kappa

Hmmm. I really enjoyed VA-11 HALL-A but wasn’t as stoked on 2064 because I was expecting something with the same basic formula. I guess Coffee Talk was the game I was waiting for.

This is a delightful anecdote in a week full of far less delightful anecdotes.

Even 7 years in the making, this has somehow escaped my attention until this very article. I’ll do some more research and almost certainly wait until I have more of my Steam backlog knocked down, but I’m always looking for more purely story-based games to experience.

Yeah, I joined the ride like two weeks before season 4 released, and even with half as many episodes to get through, I had to pump the brakes quite a bit to get through. If I’d really planned my month around slowly working through the show’s entire run, I could’ve paced myself to be just the right amount of refreshed

I love that everyone pictured is enunciating the same consonant sound in their song, giving them all an identical awkward expression. If you didn’t know they were singing, you’d think they’d all just seen a picture of a smile for the first time and were doing a poor job imitating it.

Glazed is the standard by which I judge everybody. For my money, a Krispy Kreme glazed donut is better than a grocery store donut, but not as good as local donut shop’s. So, I mean, you can do worse, and even a bad glazed donut is still a sweetened torus of carbs and fat and thus a delightful replacement for a

Sitting in an executive boardroom, surrounded by an endless sea of suits, somebody asks the question, “What if mediocre donuts, but BIGGER? 

This list makes me want to re-watch the whole series from scratch ahead of tomorrow’s finale dropping, but that’s, what, 34 hours of BoJack? And I don’t know if I’d be in the right mental state to brave new emotionally distressing territory after watching all the 11th episodes and Free Churro and the S6E8 summary of

There’s a menu within the game with phone numbers/websites for mental health resources. But I wonder how many people just find it easier to submit anonymous letters to strangers when they should be going for the better solution.

Yeah, I always get giddy when I see something like, “I’m new in town and don’t know how to make friends as an adult; high school/college just kinda made that automatic before now and I’m bad at this,” or, “I want to get back together with my ex, even though we made each other’s lives objectively worse,” or, “I’ve

Been “playing” this for about a month. Feels good to respond to the people who sound like they’re going through similar struggles to what I went through in high school and my 20s and can offer some advice/uplifting words, but sometimes I go through the first 10 requests and I’m just like, “All of these people are in a

Header image tells me everything I need to know. Friday, baby! I am so ready to mainline 8 hours of depression while wringing my hands about not wanting to see what happens next!

The only hot dog museum I need is the Ferris wheel of decades-old hot dogs under a heat lamp at my local Quik Stop.

I at one point owned physical copies of every game in the header image, having only given up my Mac copy of Sam & Max when I got a PC/”IBM clone,” so this article started off with a big wave of very personal nostalgia.

Yeah, we had a pretty straightforward time with Mojo, but then we played against Deathbird, who kept throwing out ridiculously powerful ships every time a master strike came up, running the scheme where the Danger Room went haywire, which kept making us spend 2 recruit to reshuffle scheme twists back into the villain

I’m an adventurous eater, but I was also raised on So I Married an Axe Murderer, a comedy starring a Scottish-American who is comfortable jumping behind the counter at a butcher shop just to help out by hacking and grinding and weighing out raw meat, but still thinks haggis is revolting. I’d love to dig into a big ol’

Dragon Ball was one of those phenomena that I was born like a week too late to appreciate. It felt like there were a few people my age hanging onto their childhood shouting, “Yes, Saturday morning cartoons! This is my jam!” but I was more into Frasier in middle school. And, presumably, puffing my billiard pipe

... b-but Frank Taylor said the survey was quick and easy!

My roommate has failed to pay his half of rent on time for the past two months, has attracted ants into our apartment by leaving kitchen messes for multiple days at a time and open airplane bottles of schnapps in his bedroom for I-probably-don’t-wanna-know-how-long, and today I got a text from my landlord about the

Oh, it was a car crash? AV Club’s headline says he was murdered, so I’d just assumed he was a salted.