
I agree that the ref’s are all butt hat’s.

I’ve noticed a real uptick in the past few weeks, even more so than normal of these contrarian posts. As if, people are talking about something so they need to write an article to fill up space, but they have no actual opinion. It’s just “Hey, let’s write the opposite of what other people say.”

You sir are a fucking hero.

I believe the correct term is “Hanjo”

My biggest issue with this game is the totally absent and non-existent looking for group feature. Although I have many complaints about components of the Season system (at least so far in S1 and S2), I have a problem with the fact that for a team based game they haven’t instituted a decent LFG feature. Solo-queuing

Although the crux of your point is somewhat correct, you can’t have four Hanzo’s.

Could it be Jack?

I’m an Eagles fan and honestly we went from Mcnabb and a few so-so to average years to another potential franchise quarterback (we hope).

I feel like my biggest issue with Overwatch is that almost every game features at least one pro (according to them). No matter what they know the best comp, for every situation. They know how well every one else plays at all times, even before the match. It doesn’t matter matter if it’s quick play or competitive.

I believe this is a continuation of last year’s joke when they were undefeated. Well done, good kinja

A dream deferred

Do you have a high ranking position in the Presidential cabinet? Are those emails also containing correspondence with high ranking political members and boosters throughout the world?

Good luck Ben. Peter will be a tough act to follow, but I have faith.

Is this a private TAY article that got randomly published? The editing is horrendous. The word to is missed at least 5 times

I’m confused why you keep bringing up Google as if that’d impressive, or that whatever function that they had makes them suitable for big projects. Google is just a company. They are just people. They could have worked on literally any aspect of anything.

It’s a dramatic overstatement to call ingress a huge game. It was downloaded something like 8 million times. But there’s no accurate number ever released as to how many were active at one time or really how many people actually played. I’ve seen a single instance where 347k were actively on one thing, but there’s no

I feel like Niantic was and is a small pototoes company that got a contract it in no way was capable of handling. I imagine that, of course it was far more sucessful than even the most optimistic projections, but it’s a real shame.

The word is sarcasm.

Dirk took a more significant cut for the past several years, with the hopes of pulling anybody, literally anybody in. At this point, the money he’s making he is worth, because where else would they spend it anyway?

If there were a current “And-1" style team made only of NBA Players, does Harden make that team? I mean you don’t have to play defense.