
*points at most of the republican party that made this a partisan issue*

With the repeal of net neutrality protections, ISPs are throttling data.

Sure it’s in the contract...but if you only have four options and three of them are throttling heavily while the fourth’s network sucks to begin with, reading how you’re going to be fucked doesn’t prevent you from being fucked.

Then it should be up to the user to select streaming quality. I am tired of all the bulls**t limits on what they sell as “unlimited” plans. If they don’t want to build out their networks to widen the pipes, then let them sell plans with clearly defined limits rather than surreptitiously throttling their consumers. I

“Hours long content” Isn’t that the content you’re spending the most time with. If I’m spending hours with it, I want to consume the best quality. Why buy a nice 4k TV if you’re only going to get DVD quality anyways, or why rent the HD version of a movie from Amazon/Apple/Google if you’re only going to be able to

No. Those are promotions. This bill isn’t about those.

Or this is some next-level trolling.  Hard to know.

People who do not support net neutrality should have every single piece of electronic forcibly removed from their lives permanently.

He did an ‘ok’ thing, that is being shit on because it’s receiving attention at all.

What fucking dinner costs $500 per person? Why don’t they simply rake their money into a pile and burn it?

You definitely didn’t read the first paragraph.

I think you’re in the wrong article, buddy. 

Only Jimmy Fallon could manage to fuck up something as simple as picking up another table’s tab.  

Yo! There’s a reason it smells bad. It’s because you shouldn’t eat it. 

I once ate next to Jimmy Fallon, not once during my meal did he interrupt my date and I. Once we were finish, I walked straight up to his table, politely thanked him for not disturbing us and tousled his hair.  

So after saving that $1100, what did they do with it? Pay my water bill for 6 months? Let me check... nope...

Does Snooki look taller in person?

Imagine having a publicist who is so bad at their job that they called a 3rd tier newspaper to feed them the story about how their client so graciously thanked some nobody for not talking to them.

I mean, it’s Jimmy Fallon.  His idea of charity is probably giving, like, Kate Hudson a gilded cornhole set.  He’s pretty goddamn vapid and starfucking.

Any word on if the rich couple were spared of Fallon’s trademark fake giggle?