The amount of real estate Barstool owns in Deadspin’s brain is absurd...
The amount of real estate Barstool owns in Deadspin’s brain is absurd...
I understand the desire for more color, but all the playfulness feels kinda... forced? It’s difficult to really explain, but there’s this sort of “corporate-approved” feel to everything I’ve seen in Fortnite.
Deadspin will never pass up a chance to virtue-signal, while Barstool is just... people. imperfect, often shitty people, but still...
I don’t “look down” at people who play Fortnite, it’s just that the mechanics in that game make the meta very cheap and obtuse. It feels like everything boils down to the famed spambuild-hop-shotgun tactic. Otherwise it honestly does feel like a watered down PUBG to me, “casual” if you will.
I think you have this backwards. Fortnite players are the ones touting how it’s a better, more popular, less serious, less buggy, better optimized, more accessible, faster, higher skill ceiling, bigger learning curve, yadda yadda yadda, game than PUBG.
Why do you guys even care about Barstool? This is some Burger King-McDonald’s playground fighting bullshit. Nobody else cares except for Deadspin staffers.
Fortnite (welfare pubg) is only popular because its free. If people had to actually pay for it the player base would dwindle. The building mechanic is total garbage and subtracts from the tension of an online shooter.
We’ll update this post if we figure out what the hell’s going on.
Sunk Cost, thy name is Destiny.
Me and every Dynasty Warriors or Pokemon game I end up buying
What do you want from me? I’m lazy. I don’t even finish most of my
Holy underwear, that text at the bottom of the screen. I’d say just give the title to anyone who can write that on a blackboard.
amazing how a stranger’s odd hatred for the true hit king can make a person really want to honor the true hit king properly.
Yea, we are gonna trade him. That’s why we drafted Bam.
Fuck, you write a whole reasonable piece and I almost start to agree with you and then you make an exception for Bruce Fucking Springsteen? If anybody needs their shit cut to a reasonable length it’s acts that ooze self-importance.
All blogs should have no more than 200 words.
Hey, I know people keep calling this guy Elite, but he gets into all sorts of trouble when he gets out of the pocket.