
Actually it’s pretty clear that they didn’t. This is the problem.
Also New Vegas was an entirely new game. 76 is an asset flip made to move microtransactions. If you want to introduce a new pay method and revenue stream, at least introduce something new. (that isn’t completely broken like PVP)


Yeah Witten is aggressively average at broadcasting. He bothers me less than Aikman and Buck for sure, but I’ve hated them for years.

Todd, just because kinja lets you make an unlimited number of burners doesn’t mean you should.

When you say “people” enjoy it, do you mean just you and the other guy?

Go back to work on ES6 , Todd. Try not to fuck it up.


Maybe a laissez faire attitude towards racism a plus when you are the type of person who says things like, “You’re a basic white woman lol. I am by nature superior to you dear.”

Well then have I got a game for you!

This is the point I wanted to make. Romo is great partially because his competition is so overwhelmingly bad. Joe Buck seems to know nothing about football and be there just for transitions, Aikman come off like an idiot and says things like “he starts to cum, and then he pulls out”. Collinsworth seems like he rarely

Aah. Well enjoy Fallout 4.5 ... I mean 76.

better hurry before both of the guys on your server quit.

Or literally any time you are running cards with the exhaust mechanic...

Deca Donu

Bottom line, Fuck Bill Maher. Always. 

Alternate Alternate Joke: Turns out falling on hard times isn’t even half as bad as Hard Time falling on you.

Usually, you fall on hard times not the other way around.

And here I was thinking Aspen was gonna be Ellie herself... 

I mean, if someone just started towing your car off to god knows where you wouldn’t be somewhat irate at least?
It’s not like the police impounding your truck, it’s just some guy who doesn’t like where you parked. (asshole or not)

Dude, thanks. You saved me from buying some shit aftermarket PS4 crap controller.