
You can shoot the messenger all you want, but recruiters know what matters far more than you ever will as an employee or contractor.

He was saying that although you may have great experience, only the most recent and the most closely related is really relevant enough to be the very first thing a hiring manager wants to

Cover letter != resume, and length is very much important. I promise you, unless a resume comes with a recommendation from a connection it will not be finished unless the first page grabs the attention of the recruiter/manager. Massive experience sections are usually ignored unless the top page is great. Obvious

STFU You are neither feminine enough nor black enough to disagree. No logical argument you can make will ever change this. 

SMH and they just assume Doomfist’s gender too. 

The real problem is that they assumed Doomfist’s gender. I mean, just because he has no shirt and an obviously male upper anatomy doesn’t mean he identifies as a man!

Bigots, man, I tell ya.....

Yeah, people call me white, but that’s just an external label. I’m a Caucasoid - Mongoloid hybrid with roots from vast ......

What, did you say?
Nobody cares because I look white?


It’s not a comment about 76. it’s a comment about their general business model. Their last two releases have basically been a mobile game with loot boxes, and whatever this shit is. Todd Howard pushes for ever game on every platform, and I am certain that a cross plat MMO is the dream even if it won’t happen.

I just


I too look forward to seeing some idiot that writes for Splinter bust a vein over this insignificant development. 

You seem like one of those people who thinks For Honor was a reasonably well managed game. 

Obviously it isn’t cross platform or mobile. You missed the sarcasm there. I am implying that this feels like a game that was designed for micro-transactions on as many platforms as possible.

Your own comment is pretty telling. “We don’t know what we are getting when we buy Atoms.” So you know there are

I know they set a schedule that didn’t change for 76, but without 76 they would have set a different schedule. I know all is going according to plan, but I think the plan was bad. That’s what I’m trying to say. 

Nah, this is an amateur mistake that should have been fixed or caught very early. The fact that it isn’t already gone is the problem. It’s indicative of the shape the general game is in. Stop being intentionally obtuse. 

I love it when people get on a moral high horse about video games as if anything within them could rise to the level of a moral issue. Your sanctimonious ass doesn’t get to make the rules about what everyone else can/should do with their own install. Especially since you don’t even understand the basics of what is

Oh god this is gonna be a train wreck and it’s gonna make me so happy :)

Are you that one guy that still hasn’t figured out mods? Thousands and thousands of players are capable of this. It’s no more difficult than manually changing your settings from fullscreen back to windowed mode.

You act like I’m playing the beta and using the glitch against other players. You seem like Bethesda apologist who seems to think something like “it isn’t a glitch if we didn’t think you would do it”. Just because the dev didn’t think of it doesn’t mean it’s a glitch. 

Why don’t you “stop defending it” and admit that

That’s good I suppose. I think the game will sell just because it says “Fallout” on the front, but it sucks to see dev time go into this. I hope they are just stalling for time while next gen hardware comes out, but my cynicism says that it’s a cash in when they realized whales will buy thousands of loot boxes if

The fact that you would buy it on two platforms simultaneously without even testing it out first on your preferred one tells me I would never trust your judgment.