
That’s a very fancy way to describe it. Overwatch would have been better as a more focused FPS. The shooting feels pretty good, but there are too many shielding/healing/resurrection/heal and kill people at the same time mechanics as well as too many characters like torb, sym, dva that basically dont have to aim much

no, that’s why this comment is about Overwatch

Agreed. It used to be.

No, this is not the issue. I can kill junkrat easily, but the problem is that he is unrewarding to play against. he shoots randomly toward objectives and charges his ult which he also drives blindly toward objectives. He basically punishes you for not playing for kills while taking almost zero ability to use somewhat

would be better if it was lol

I used to main Soldier actually, and he has an autoaim ability too. You seem nice so I wont be a dick to you. I dropped overwatch a long time ago and like to read these posts to remind myself why. Triggering defensive junkrats and syms that think they are playing a champ which wasn’t made to be stupid easy is just

And this is supposed to make what I said less correct?

I love these types of responses.
BUT MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$
As if I said non-shooting or casual games couldn’t be successful or even good.

I used to play overwatch until they doubled down on the overlapping sheld, mercy reviving everyone meta and buffed all the spam champs. I dropped it when the junkarat buff came through and made a champ based around spam and bullshit a must pick in every comp.

But they do have to be alive, or on the same general side of the map to get multi-kills.
The fact that there are many other characters in the game that also don’t aim actually supports my point. Smart move to develop an accessible game, but it’s not a real shooter.

If your shooting game has characters that don’t have to aim it’s not a shooting game.

Forget trans men, how long until I can pay to finally own a howitzer? if you know what i mean.

Just gonna lean into the Monkey Shit Fight concept then lol

Thanks Borderlands

But they go so well with the ballsack hanging from the trailer hitch

Way to be a comment section pedant. Are we about done here?

Thanks for driving home the very salient point that video games are not real life. nobody in the thread realized this before you showed up. Thanks so much.

Yah fortnite is so realistic too. Whenever I get shot I just build houses around myself until I feel safe again. Totally works against pirannahs in space suits and keanu reaves.

He can do all of the things you specified anyway, but I see what you mean. I think they probably just were a new management regime and didn’t consider it. Seems like it’s going to backfire, but we will see. LIke the article says, winning covers a lot of problems.

I dont think it’s so much that he wants to be making these calls as it is that he would like to know what is going on while it is happening. He is core to their success, so he does have some right to know what is going on. At least it seems fair that they would let him be in the room sometimes seeing how he’s their