
Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.

Even if Taylor didn’t have a buyer’s club, she still did great work for people with HIV. She even provided support for her exdaughter in law when she contract HIV. She has a great legacy of HIV activism behind her even without this.

Addiction is a terrible, horrible thing no one should be idolizing. Seeing someone you love waste away and give up on everything is devastating. Anyone glamorizing additction as anything but tragic needs a reality check.

I have a particular loathing for liberal male politicians who think they can get away with mistreating women because of their feminist cred. Monica was willing, but she was also an intern, and the power differential there is really, really not okay. And there have been enough allegations of actual assault to make me

I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.

are you from a family of raccoons

Do you ever suppose the Republican Muslim Coalition and Log Cabin Republicans hang out? Is it like how the goth kids sometimes used to sit with the theatre kids?

I’m not sure. I’m 30 and I have about five HIV positive friends who are all in good health, for the most part. None of them are sickly looking. In fact they all seem healthy and in good shape.

I find Matt Lauer to be an unsavory individual.

I would say, it’s very difficult to HIV from holding hands after a paper cut. It’s pretty high risk if you’re having unprotected vaginal sex.

Vaginal intercourse is absolutely a high risk route of infection. I’m kind of shocked anyone still thinks this isn’t a near surefire way to get HIV.

Men can contract HIV through sex with women, it is just more difficult. If he had an breaks in the skin on his penis, then those areas were vulnerable to infection from vaginal fluid.

I found it really off putting how Charlie and Matt Lauer kept referring to “unsavory individuals”. Charlie Sheen is an unsavory individual with a terrible history towards women. But since he is not a sex worker or porn star, he is given the benefit of the doubt by far too many people.

Remember, though, that the very youngs among us have grown up in a time when HIV is a treatable chronic illness and, with the proper meds, one who has the virus can live a relatively normal (and long) life. So they are correct in that it is actually not a death sentence at all. In developed nations where the drugs are

It’s definitely still possible for a man to get HIV through heterosexual contact- less likely than through other means, but possible (so far as anyone can tell, that’s how Magic Johnson got it). Sheen was having lots and lots of sex with lots of different people, much of it not following CDC recommendations I’m sure.

It’s lees likely then lets say anal, but saying it’s difficult to get is quite an exaggeration.

The fact that this news is making headlines absolutely everywhere probably indicates that it still is that stigmatised. Depressing, ain’t it?

Yes. Being HIV+ doesn’t make him an asshole. He’s an asshole because he’s always been an asshole.

Perhaps there is a positive in this story in that it will bring a spotlight on this disease that far too many millennials believe is not an issue (because prep), don’t think about(because youth), or think happened to old gay dudes literally a million years ago.(literally).

My self-care formula:

1). Put the phone away. No Facebook, no Twitter, no news - arguing with racists on the internet is a fun hobby but sometimes you have to walk away from the awfulness;

2). Hour(s) long nap, preferably with no alarm or predetermined wake up time set;

3). Hours and hours of TV shows (if I’m really sad