
Well that's great, except that she's not advocating that you vote for Obama simply because you're a woman or because you're a minority, she's saying that voting for Romney makes no sense when you're either of those things, because his policies—the ones he's elaborated on anyway—are racist and sexist. Voting for him is

trolling troll is trolling

If people didn't suck, that would totally be a possibility. But the reality is if the government doesn't fund PP, it won't get funded.

That was awesome. I gained so much respect for her.

By not funding PP, you're taking the choice away from lower income women, who need it just as much as women who can afford it. THAT'S called making the choice for us. Funding it GIVES us the choice.

Business owners and billionaires are very different things.

I think Hillary is totally right. There's no such thing as supermom. You have to prioritize.

if you're reading this article and thinking, "but she's not plus size", you are missing the point of this article.

say what you will about kimye, but when kanye styles kim, she looks GOOD.

Pre-pill, i used to get terrible cramps for one or two weeks before my period. And also my period was so irregular I never knew it was coming.

"Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting." come on.

it doesn't even matter what kind of movies you like, this is just bad.

guys what if they haven't gotten married because, and i know this is a long shot here but stay with me, they DON'T want to get married?

literally was just going to say this.

my friend slept with matt bomer.

Definitely agree. I thought Obama was just being cool and trying not to go off on Romney for blatantly lying. Mitt seemed like he was panicking. But apparently most people didn't see it that way.


It stands for Queer or Questioning, depending on who you ask. So, no, it wasn't inclusive enough. You clearly have the internet, learn to use a search engine.

You don't have to be in love with Obama to understand that he is the stronger candidate. Mitt Romney is puppet of the Republican Party (look up his social stances in 1994 if you don't believe me) who makes grand, sweeping statements without specificity. When you move past the watchwords, all he's basically saying is,

She wasn't, but she's in the movie as Supergirl.