Nice meltdown
I’m beginning to think you don’t say God Bless You in order to bless people. You do it because “that’s the way it’s done”
I shouldn’t have to feel pressure to say some nonsense every time someone sneezes. It’s stupid. Sneezing is fun! Let me enjoy it in peace!
“I’m a libertarian” is a good cue for people to stop listening.
It would appear Qusay is fair game
Replace your divots, you fucking scumbag
Wow, turns out letting owners treat teams like their little playthings is bad and stupid.
Don’t forget Denny Crane
Fine, Rick Berman AND JJ
You make a good point. It’s all style, no substance, and absolutely NO heart.
Not sure your point here, when every single other Klingon had hair. Could have been a style choice, or a cooking accident. The Klingons on ST:D look cheap and rubbery. It’s depressing.
Why couldn’t they just give Klingons hair? It’s really distracting.
You need an editor or a pink slip, because holy shit nearly everything you write is a task to read.
It feels like everyone writing re-caps of this show can’t help but mention how concerned they are about the lasting power of the show.
He listed a number of things Donald Trump did on video in front of thousands of screaming (and in many cases, racist) supporters
Fired for a horribly bigoted post about transgender people. Not quite the same as calling a racist a racist. Did I not make that clear enough? Trump is a racist.
What a tired trope. Reggie Miller carved out a Hall of Fame legacy that stands on its own. Cheryl Miller dominated women’s basketball, which has all the depth of a cookie sheet.
My good friend was a United supporter since childhood, and I followed them in 2009 because I’d rather watch matches with my friend than follow some other team, bro.
He’s a good actor. It’s sad his personal troubles took his career down.