
Nice. One small point:

No, you’re trolls because you parrot the same tired-ass line every single time Bethesda releases a new game, as though you’d even give half a shit what the game engine was if you didn’t know it was an iteration on something that’s been used for years. The fact of the matter is that these are fantastic games, and you

Glad to see all the “Creation Engine is old and clunky” trolls have come out to play. Just as expected.

Above all else, this game’s UI is worse than Oblivion and Skyrim combined and THAT PART is very clearly console influenced and ruined.

That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever read. You deserve negative 10 internet points. The game has been in development since 2009. That might have something to do with this. You’re not gonna see games based off dx12 architecture for a good while.

This happened today as well.

And they were right to do so.

Grandpa is on the computer again!

Oh yea Ive seen similar things happen. The stuff that people take in there make people seem like they are kleptomaniacs. Like who takes flash drives, and sweaters? If the public saw how their packages were handled by the hub workers and UPS drivers, no one would ship with UPS anymore.

I was going to say something similar. Having friends who work at the local UPS hub, which is near the “emerald triangle,” say when they thought weed was being shipped, they would “knock it over so the contents would spill out” which means they would have to inspect the box so they could re-box it. If it was something

You can change your name, but not your steam account name, which the user can only see. I will always have to log into steam with my old email account as the name(I thought they wanted email, not account name when I set it up in 2003.) Alta-vista email ftw!

I was there. The guy deserved it.

I’m glad he punched the guy.

For all the historically ignorant who didn’t pay attention in middle school and/or high school history classes....

I like YF, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Blazing Saddles.

“Continuity is overrated”

- Comic books

You don’t take fall damage in power armor

“My only damage was from jumping down from the third floor.”

1. It’s not “sales” itself being a metric. It’s sales of memberships specifically. You can be the top salesman of merchandise, but if you’re below average in sales of memberships, then you get pushed aside.