
A lot of thoughts on this one as a 49er fan. Davis hasn’t been relevant in 3 years. When was the last time he, a tight end, has run over a tackler? He either runs out of bounds are is brought down with a weak tackle.

Seriously though, if Blizzard ever made a 2D fighting game, I would be all over that like flies on a turd.

It’s probably waterproof for precisely the same reason that I happen to be shopping for a new keyboard...

It’s probably waterproof for precisely the same reason that I happen to be shopping for a new keyboard...

Ah, beat me to it. All I could think of was Chapelle’s Show with Rick James denying and then immediately confirming grinding dirt into Eddie (Charlie?) Murphy’s couch.

Came here looking to see if someone would cite this, did not leave disappointed.

Only a matter of time before....The Rise of the Machines.

Since I became president of FIFA, we have made FIFA a big commercial company.

This isn’t a theory; it’s a hypothesis. Please don’t perpetuate the use of those terms incorrectly in the general public Gizmodo!

Gizmodo’s headlines have been so clickbait-y recently, what up with that?

Ultimately, Apple’s choice of band will always upset someone. In this case, their choice upset everyone. That’s hard to do once, but twice? Apple signed a deal with the Devil and his name is Bono.

This is kind of like the opposite of the Cowboys this week, where the GM had to keep Greg Hardy from cutting a coach.

Because it’s free and easy and the watermark is tiny and nobody really cares except for a few uptight people and in those cases you want the watermark there because it drives them nuts.

This game has been 95%+ soloable since launch, and even more so with every update. Only thing you’ve ever needed another live player to help with are raids and flashpoints, and now flashpoints can all be done solo.

OK. I once got a rental Fusion and didn’t have any of those problems. Fusions must be the best cars EVER.

Yes, a handful of people were more aware of breast cancer after this. You and I included, since we’re actively discussing it now.

Okay, let’s be honest here. Stadium Super Trucks is the real world equivalent of the Ridge Racer series. Jumps, drifitng, powerslides, noise, violence, and a questionable physics engine.


Yes, the Surface Book’s keyboard has some additional computing power for gfx (I assume) but still, it’s nothing great.

You can get it will a CoreI7, 16GB RAM, and 1TB disk.. that is pretty powerful.