
You don't go on private property or near residences. It's easy.

I love it.

I have an NES....I have multiple systems with Virtual Console capabilities....I have computers capable of emulation.

I’ve always heard that Mob Psycho is the better of ONE’s manga series, so I was really looking forward to this one. Episode one was great! :)

I think it looks perfect. :)

Nothing costs money unless you want it to. Through normal play, you’ll rarely be low on PokéBalls, stardust, or candy.

It’s like geocaching, but you catch Pokémon. You just walk around the world, find Pokémon, find real locations marked as PokéSpots (for items and exp), and you can also find Gyms to challenge.

That’s weird! What do Niantic have against Austin??

There’s none at all? I was surprised that I have 2 nearby in my small town.

I love AVGN, but I wish his other/better series got more attention. Board James was brilliant.

His Ghostbusters video was just to let his fans know not to expect a review. Considering how much he loves the classics, people expected him to be a resource for a day one opinion on the new one.

I had ordered the Ni No Kuni special edition straight from Bandai Namco (I think?) back before that game came out.

Amazon still says they don’t even have regular copies in stock to fulfill my preorder, so I cancelled and went to GameStop. :)

I was ALL about Sonic as a kid. From 1992 or so right up through the Dreamcast launch, I was a mega fan. If we get a game that can recapture the old magic, I’ll be thrilled.

Summer season is gonna rule.

I watch everything Trigger puts out, so of course I’m stoked for a Little Witch ongoing series. :)

I fast forwarded most overlapping dialogue and 100% beat both 999 and VLR without any trouble.

Co-op is Wii U exclusive and requires the Amiibo.

Definitely try again. I’ve been able to get my old tracks from pretty much every previous game for awhile now. I think Rock Band 2 was added last, and that was months ago.

After not playing my 3DS much at all in 2015, 2016 is kicking ass. I’m still playing Kirby, then Zero Time Dilemma is in like 2 weeks (although I might go Vita for that one...still, my point is valid! Haha).