If you like Japanese games and indie games, the PS Vita has good-to-great new releases on an almost weekly basis. Get one!
If you like Japanese games and indie games, the PS Vita has good-to-great new releases on an almost weekly basis.…
If you like Japanese games and indie games, the PS Vita has good-to-great new releases on an almost weekly basis. Get one!
If you like Japanese games and indie games, the PS Vita has good-to-great new releases on an almost weekly basis.…
We’re getting a ton of spring/summer game releases, but all of the fall/winter games are being delayed! I guess I should start pacing myself, so I have things to play later this year. ;)
“One of the best independent games from the last few years and an excellent basketball game are part of Sony’s excellent lineup for next month.”
Looks like I’m finally gonna play Gone Home and Little Deviants. Fuck yeah.
Severed rules.
Yeah honestly for me it kind of became more than a game for a few weeks. My fiancée and I had these foreign looking notes strewn all over the place, and we would work on puzzles outside of the game sometimes.
If you play The Witness, you really should have paper and a pen on hand. I bought multiple colored pens and a specific notebook just for The Witness, haha.
Severed, Ratchet & Clank, and Uncharted 4 for me. That might change once I’m finally playing Zero Time Dilemma next month though.
Unfortunately, Erica won't be drawing Jughead for much longer. Issue 9 is the start of the new artist, I believe.
I would say it's targeted specifically at only those who have played 1,2, and 3. Without knowing the characters, I wouldn't be half as invested in 4.
I loved that about The Last of Us. You really have to work for those. I put a lot of effort into that game and I think I’m still only at 60-70%.
Easily my favorite show of 2016 so far. I doubt anything can top it for me.
Also, Arale (Dr Slump, Dragon Ball) will be in next week’s episode of Super.
This week’s silly Monaka episode looked especially good. The animation quality is on the upswing lately. :)
I hope there Inkling kids don't unlock any more bonus challenges....I already have the original colors, and I don't want to buy them again essentially, haha.
A year and a half of nothing sounds exactly like the final days of the Wii. :(
It wasn’t totally random. They tweeted about it right after the big investors meeting, and had promised “big announcements” earlier in the day.
I haven’t seen any of his films, but based on his Twitter, his YouTube videos, and Superman: American Alien, I’m a fan of Max Landis.
Severed + Alienation! Fuck yes.
A whole bunch, if people actually read my Facebook status. ;)