
From the look of the preview, (spoiler alert!) Vic does dump Helen by the next episode (or vice versa, or maybe she's doing both of them which would be gross) so Helen's unnecessary drama queening with Vic was all just setup to get Helen and Noah back together again, just in time for Noah's big nervous breakdown. At

This was my favorite episode in the season, both because the storyline moved forward on so many fronts that helped to really develop the main characters, and also for some amazing borderline jump the shark moments, especially Noah seeing a younger version of himself in the lake as he literally goes off the deep end. I

Or as the townies called Noah's novel "50 Shades of Solloway."

Noah and Alison are having an Affiar. Oh wait. They're still married. So that's kind of boring. So the writers decide they need to start picking up the pace. So by next week, Noah will be sleeping with both his student and Professor FrenchSex. And then Cole will track Noah down to knock his block off for sleeping with

You're being much too kind: Margaret should have never been released without first getting an an A rating for Annoying. Manchester deserves a D for Depressing, and it looks like it may have peaked early in terms of the awards season. Glad to see Moonlight getting recognition it deserves, and if the Oscars falls for

And coming soon, after Game of Thrones is finally over:
Because it's not TV. It's HBO.

If Chandra only knew where those little drug filled balloons that Naz has been swallowing have been coming from, she might not want to kiss that mouth again.

Agreed, and while I think he is innocent, not only could Naz have comitted the murder (remember that as bloody as the crime scene was, there was minimal blood evidence in the OJ case as well) but on Rikers Island he is quickly becoming a person who could easily commit murder. In prison, Naz is being seduced with the

I totally agree with your analysis. The key to understanding Naz is to empathize with the plight of a bright but naive kid suddenly into the middle of a high profile murder case as the only suspect—by a kid who knows (or thinks) that he is innocent. It takes a lot of empathy to understand his character's reactions,

If only Stone would look up at those subway ads he would learn that there are many cures for Eczema, not to mention Seborrhea and Psoriasis.

Nobody had to sneak in, the murderer could be someone she knows—Nas passes out from the drugs, a jealous boyfriend arrives, she lets him in, he freaks out and kills her. Either that or the hearse driver from the gas station stalked them back to her place, forced his way in and got even with her for flicking the

Wait until we find out that the dead girl in the bed is actually her twin sister, and Nasir was set up to take the fall so that the girl could inherit the townhouse and keep the family fortune for herself. Then those million red flags will start to make sense.

I'll take that to mean you don't want to see Optimus Prime and the Autobots show up in Episdoe 2 to help him solve the case?

Who said that Arya didn't learn anything from Jaqen H'gar? That was her best kill yet. Littlefinger better watch his back

Wow. Those creepy little kids holding ths scary little knives and stabbing Pycelle over and over again — talk about elder abuse.

Well at least now Tommen knows why they call it King's Landing.

Also dead due to Brexit: All the location funding Game of Thrones received from the the EU for filming in Northern Ireland, including the location in the Battle of the Basterds, the Haunted Forest; the Brotherhood Without Banners' hideout, Pollnagollum Cave; the Dothraki grasslands; the city of Meereen; and the

Matthew McConaughey must not have seen the last season of True Detective because that's not something anyone misses watching.

Vinyl, the HBO series that took great joy in making fun of the one-hit wonder, will forever be one hit short of being a one-hit wonder itself.

What's HBO trying to do, stop us from hate watching their lousy big budget shows? Next thing you know they'll cancel True Detective.