ImDatNinja (loves her Red Sox)

Slow clap. Ive been thinking about this for a while and it hits the nail on the head.

My period pain once made me faint in a university bathroom. I deserve this.

I am going to Paris (for the first time) this April and I will steal this outfit without shame.

Beiber hated that he was shorter!

@denapsu: I was thinking the same thing.

Winner Winner Amazing (Beauty). Nothing rhymes with dinner that is pretty.

Hell hath no fury like me demanding my dog 24/7.

All I can say to this is Amen. My relationship ended days before Christmas and the interim, self-selected couch sleeping mixed with awkward looks and conversation was incredibly challenging.

Is there any site that streams SNL? I want to watch but I dont have a TV/cable. Sorry if this question has been asked on previous weeks posts. Happy Saturday all!

My ex boyfriend (two weeks broken-up) just posted the original article as his facebook status.

I just heard this on Weekend Morning Ed. and immediately thought of Jez. My Sunday mornings are colliding. Now, if you name drop Will Shortz I will feel like all of my universes are actually one. :)

Maybe this is why I am not excited about seeing this film. I dont like supporting mental anguish.

My version of this was: Dude thought I was Asian and lost interest when he found out I was Mexican. Three cheers for racism!!!

Day. Made.

No love for Jim Henson's Emmit Otter's Jug Band Christmas. If you don't know it, you havent yet met the wonder that is muppets, music and heartwarming river creatures. See it, love it.

Maybe, like with MANY issues, we are growing in population and people are getting more dogs?