
Was expecting a surprise in the trunk, such as remnants of years of dedicated KGB cold war service; blood stains, 9mm Makarov rounds, Belomorkanal cigarette butts. Never expected an air cooled V8, crazy Russians.

I bet it’d make a nice replacement for the current Presidential limousine and would be a little closer to the President’s heart.

You sure the snow isn’t saying - FUCK YOU BRO? That snow is almost black its been piled up there so long and most likely hard as a rock. It looks as though he may be high centered. His back suspension looks completely unloaded.

It’s...yeah, allergies, that’s what it is.

Why is my screen all blurry all of the sudden?

I’m not crying shut the fuck up you’re the one who’s crying.

Very well said

It’s called a dashcam.

Ha!! How funny is that? First thing that came to my mind was both my Audi 4000 and years later my Audi 90. Hey, if anything, they’re consistant! Right? Wouldn’t call either “fun” to drive though. That is unless your idea of fun is putting your life on the line. But definitely a love-hate relationship with both.

I could have made this post “What Audi were you happy to be done with”

My A4. Fun to drive in all conditions but fuck VAG and their unreliable systems

I fully realize this is correct in quirks and price. My seventh grade history teacher, Mr Rowan, had a paralyzed lower lip, a fat wife who taught chemistry and this car. I could NEVER drive deadlip’s hooptie.

I don’t know how people feel about those in general, but I’ve never had boners for Lambos, Ferraris and similar super/hypercars. I’m not sure why... They are fantastic machines, absolutely incredible technically and aesthetically but nope, I barely care when I see one (talking about modern ones obviously, put me near

Meth head (also in a pickup) went apeshit on our block a few years ago. Took out several parked cars, then turned up a driveway, went completely through a closed brick garage, across the backyards, and through the back wall of the brick garage on the next block over. First thing the guy did after coming to a stop was t

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

I’m not even going to watch the video. I just can’t. Oh God. My condolences to the father and the rest of the family.

It’s all real! He found a genuine, undamaged triple-chrome heavy-ass bumper. Beautiful.

First, the standard of unreasonable acceleration is set by the makers of the car at 10 seconds to get to 60 mph.

You know, I’d wouldn’t be surprised if once he sees the F-35 (and it possibly landing in vertical fashion) he’d say something like “That’s a great airplane, maybe the best airplane. We need more of those airplanes.” All this while completely oblivious to the model of airplane it is and his previous tweets.

Funny, I was thinking more like spruce goose, or you know that black and white video of the decaplane that collapses as soon as it starts moving? Yeah, that.