
Been driving an electric car for years. Cables haven’t been much of an issue. Have a Level2 charger installed at home & carry the charger in the boot in a tidy carrier, but have never used it.

Another gem from the Craigslist R&D dept.

KB is not human, he sleeps in a docking station.

I can’t stand the new retro cars; Camaro’s, Chargers, etc. & their middle aged, hairy armed, overweight, sleeveless, 30 year deformed tatoo’s having, jean short wearing drivers..

We are witnessing the last gasps of breakthroughs in dino fuel engines development & technology.

Think the veggie cake may have killed him.. veggies cakes suck!

Well thats embarrassing...

This is a gem of an article, thank-you.

The battery on a 2007 Mercedes R500. It’s bad enough the battery is a $300 gel/AGM battery, it is under the front passenger seat. Not the worst part to get to, but just annoying as the Johnson Controls over designed seat’s, while extremely comfortable are also impossibly heavy/awkward & have to reset the error

Not meaning to offend probably at least 50% of the Jalopnik’rs out there.. wait that didn’t sound right, Jalopnik’s..? ok now up to 60%.

Was expecting a surprise in the trunk, such as remnants of years of dedicated KGB cold war service; blood stains, 9mm Makarov rounds, Belomorkanal cigarette butts. Never expected an air cooled V8, crazy Russians.

Very well said

It’s to prevent anybody sitting there

Always been a quirky car fan. Drove a ‘76 brown 9-3 2 door slob in High School. My Swedish meatball had so many quirks each drive was an adventure & typically resulted in uncontrolled fits of laughter. But wouldn’t spend this much, maybe $300..

The Islero is car porn.

That’s terrible, can’t watch it. Something that terrible is hard to forget. Think it should stay up as others have wrote, to keep spoiled axx-hats like this from racing cars that are too much for them on public roadways.

‘76 Baby blue Pacer with flames & hubcaps. Must have sport a mullet & wear a levi jacket.

Darn BMW Dump truck drivers...