
I am so sorry for your loss.

I still have a bottle in my fridge that I refuse to throw away because I'm hoping someone will drink it. It's been two years... Stuff is nasty!

You knew A & F as well?

I meant safer as you don't have to wait on a corner flagging a cab. Still don't get that screen and I am in SF, strange. For me they are an option when I am in a horrible part of town. Otherwise, I flag a cab. They extort like crazy but I always have to approve it on my phone.

I clicked on the link and let it load for a couple of minutes, no where do I see cheaper (not doubting you just weird). I've never seen that strategy, their market is usually that you can use your account to automatically pay and tip the driver so no cash transactions and that they will come to you with the drivers

Honestly, I think Uber sucks but I can't understand how people keep complaining about surge pricing. That's what they do. When you sign on with them and when you use their services, they are pretty clear about their pricing.

From what I've read 0% and if the driver gets into an accident, he is an independent contractor. Uber has no liability.

Uber has never marketed itself as cheaper than taxi's. I never thought I'd defend Uber but you have a weird idea on what it is. It is a private car company that is supplementing a market that has a busy cab economy. Also, you can contact them on your phone and it automatically debits you cc. They absolutely let

Can you give me a hint of what neighborhood? Haight perhaps? :}

dog is Beautiful.

Thank you. I have spent the last three days trying to track down Petey the Pitbull who was stolen from a homeless guy in San Francisco's Panhandle Park. If you are in the Bay Area please share.

kinja is the only reason this is the first comment. Blergh.

pibbles had fun!




You win!

I have a puppy but omg beautiful kitty!

Calm down Ronald… :)