

My spice cabinet is so full, it’s a sorta Jenga game to get things out and sometimes it’s an avalanche when I least expect it. I don’t cook chicken but my fish, rice n beans, dressing and mac n cheese are flawless. I have also been stealth seasoning food I prepare for some kids I know because having baby taste is a

This is a lowbar we’re setting.....

Top 5 current assholes responsible for wrecking the country/world

I couldn’t have said it better than than this piece and Michelle’s eyebrows articulated it. I just can’t with this sniveling little bitch baby who sits on every chair like a toilet.

She ain’t getting a cookie for doing what’s she supposed to do.

lol. but he got dem tapes released though so 70s Hispanic Matlock knows his business.


Burn them all.

Seriously, isn’t there enough ammo for them to use to get folks to stop eating meat? Instead of ridiculous links to racism, they can talk about the health aspects or the animal treatment aspect until the cows come home.*

So My brother sends me “RGB!!! broke her ribs” I was not surprised considering he’s always injured and can’t stay on the football field. Then I realized I read the message to fast...  

If Pence showed up my door my first thought is that’s the Devil coming to reap my soul from that time I sold it to him for some rare pogs in elementary school.

My second would be wondering when i pissed off the Opus Dei enough for them to send the albino after me.

And here I thought Whitey Bulger got the most savage shanking today.


Because I’m a hypochondriac, I’m now afraid I have kidney stones.

ummm.... Bojangles?

I suspect that approaches like this come about because white people believe that everyone else sees the world as they do. Whites see an ad campaign for a movie or television show that features black or brown faces prominently and many decide “nah, that’s probably not for me.” They assume that’s how everyone else makes