I'm An Idiot, Ask Anyone

I said this last week, but Joelle Carter is KILLING it this season. This is the first time (outside of an episode here and there) that she's been given substantial, layered material to work with, and it is paying dividends. She and Sam Elliott/Garrett Dillahunt are my early favorites to win acting Emmys for the

Well, he had a few redeeming moments in seasons 1-2…paying the kid whose toy car Marie ran over, putting up with Marie in general (she and Skylar might be the most annoying pair of sisters in television history), and of course his shootout with Tuco, which was one of his most badass moments in the run of the show. But

Also, regarding Dewey Crowe's now-Chekhovian gator-tooth necklace…Earl (he's Carl's brother) had no idea what happened with Dewey. Boyd and Carl were the only ones involved in the murder, as far as we know.

Searcy did support Herman Cain in 2012. I'm pretty sure the Twitter page and the Acting School with Nick Searcy web series are an extended bit a la Joaquin Phoenix in I'm Still Here. No one is that big of an asshole.

I think the writers wanted to keep from going full retard on the neo-Western tone of the show this season by having Elliott go for a more modern look. Of course, I could agree that the 'Stache would be formidable for the production team to deal with.

Can Tim interrupt the inevitable confrontation between Walker/Seabass/Choo Choo and Boyd by dressing up in a courier uniform and says "Pizza-gram for Choo Choo! Pizza-gram for Choo Choo!"

No one really knows what happened with Gathegi, but any actor who would piss away a character as promising as Jean-Baptiste can't be a completely agreeable person.

All hail Choo Choo, first of his name! LONG MAY HE REIGN…as the biggest dumbass in Harlan County.

Almost as dark. Infinitely more likable. I mean, the acting/writing on Breaking Bad is stellar, but it's more catharsis than entertainment. The only character whose death really upset me *SPOILER* *SPOILER* *SPOILER* was Hank, because by the end he was literally the only character I felt anything for.

The writers should be kicking themselves that they didn't name Perd's show…wait for it…"The Perd-verts' Court"

I figured that Alison would be killed and Art wounded. That would have made Kendal's confession more potent.

That's my guess. I had my bets on Ava being the most expendable character of the season going in, besides (obviously) Johnny, but since she's stuck around this long, I think she'll play in big from here on out. I have a feeling whatever twist comes from these last two episodes is going to be from her direction. Your

Or as Will Ferrell's mom in Step Brothers. "Today, I saw my own son use a bicycle as a weapon. You yelled 'rape' at the top of your lungs."

It's not like Justified to throw a plot line out into the blue without it coming back into the main storyline in a big way. My guess is that some part of Ava's situation is going to figure her squarely into the endgame of this season, as well as a prominent position in the next.

In my opinion, the ONLY way to sit down to this show is with a glass of bourbon. Cheers.

I agree with your theory. Raylan's principal antagonists always meet their end at the hands of someone other than Raylan. Bo Crowder, Mags, Doyle, Quarles, Arlo, Nicky Augustine, Danny Crowe. Boyd is the only prominent adversary Raylan has actually faced and defeated, and only in the pilot episode.

Raylan was right about Boyd from the start…all he really wants is to get money and blow shit up.

Also, Kendal being the shooter seems a little too easy. Of course, I don't know who else it would be, given Daryl and Kendal's blood pact and the hilariously fitting demise of Danny. They could really throw in a monkey wrench and have it be the guy from 503 that Raylan beat up, still holding a grudge against Alison.

Raylan told her that Daryl and Danny probably killed Dilly. But all of your other points ring true.

Was anyone else a little disturbed by Daryl beating the shit out of Wendy AND putting the boots to her while she was down?