Mathew Calaway

I think you could start shooting the guys dropping from dropships back in Halo Combat Evolved

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My first mission with the new ME....not animation issue but pretty bad in my opinion

I like my Gundam like my grapes. Seedless

I know some people who would tell you the trip from Africa to America is quite difficult to make on a boat.

When they pay $300 for something

This show is garbage, and the finale just doubled down on all the reasons it’s garbage. The brooding, meandering, pointlessly philosophical conversations. The glaring and painfully obvious plotholes and utterly unbelievable behaviors. The fact that every plotline becomes less interesting when it’s revealed to be about

“How utterly childish.”

See, this is why The Leftovers (I’ve only seen Season 1) worked for me. It was made by a seemingly sassy new Damon Lindelof, who seems to have gotten over any desire to satisfy the fans with what’s inside the mystery box.

What’s the answer to the big mysterious thing?
Fuck you. It happened. Deal with it. That’s the

You watch it your way, and I’ll watch it mine.

This is just a redux of the Lost argument (and to a smaller degree, The Leftovers argument), and I disagreed with it then, as I do now.

It’s actually an argument I’m more receptive to for movies than for TV series, since I think the latter are made for creating and

Magic has ways of shutting that thing down.

Fetus Deletus

Strange. I got the impression that Hitler was ‘The Man in the High Castle’ for several reasons:

There’s no way they will do the x-rated, Mormon baiting, sacred orgies and cannibalism Stranger in a Strange Land version which would be the only point to making one at all - so why even bother?

Hell. In hell he’s weeping. But it probably sounds all raspy because he’s got a noose around his neck for eternity.

Geckos on the Moors

Also, required to feed the birds.

“Sometimes we want to get shit done without having to stop and educate men or be told we are doing it wrong.”

So white males are the only ones who should direct a show about a white male character because they’re the only ones that understand the character?

Watch out kids, it’s the bigot card.

Lol, no he’s not.