imaginary friend

do those Star Trek short story collections from the '70s count?

hell, we could ditch 5 of them. you live near Chernobyl or something, lol.

too bad Hulk isn't bald. he could say, "who loves ya, baby?" right there.

yep. :)

well, I know where the next io9 SF meetup's gonna be.

don't mess with the bull - you'll get the horns.

my faves are the Jurassic Park and Planet of the Apes ones.

what a fucking joke that it even got close to that. I think we can make do with one or two less fighter jets.

...and yet another.

I saw him on that tour. he was awesome. saw him again years later with Sabbath on the Metal Masters tour, and it was unbelievable how well his voice had held up.

a tank top at work?

1000mics is a site that lets smartphone users use their phones to broadcast video/audio of concerts they're at. pretty much every U2 show last year had at least one person streaming the show to the world.

weren't Hurricane Katrina refugees sheltered there?

I fully expect superstar-level bands and solo acts to start using these the minute they can get away with it. No waiting for venues to install the tech. No more 1000mics.

no Rachel or Oded, no Mummy. the. end.


pleasepleasepleaseplease tell me there's going to be a US theatrical release!

that top pic would make an awesome album cover for some industrial band.