imaginary friend

there are more dumbfuck Americans on the coasts than there are people in general in the "heartland."

Can't be bothered to work up a froth over anything this loser-ass imbecile says.

d'awwww...if I had a daughter, I'd like to think that I'd do something this cool for her.

also, there's evolved antibiotic resistance to point at as proof of evolution's mechanisms working.

"tinker's cuss" sounds better when spoken, though.

make it a double feature with Damnation Alley.

that was an awesome movie - and one that should get a modern remake.

I. Love. This.

like Kurosawa I make mad films

hopefully. then it can help put this dry rub all over itself.

you weren't accusatory at all - at least not to my reading of it.

I have 2 friends (they don't know each other) who are hardcore creationists. there is absolutely no reasoning with them on the topic of evolution. Pointing out the myriad contradictions inherent in creationism gets me nowhere, so I don't bother. there's lots of other things to talk with each of them about.

I don't care whether a story makes scientific sense, or even if it has a coherent flow. I just want it to sing. The Happening sings.

a) I can't see the final being anything other than Highlander II vs. Battlefield Earth.

Dolemite would've rocked.!

"Bullshit. I ain't got time to bleed."

you'd be a lot better off growing wheat than corn.

butt cheek would be my guess.

tripe is cow stomach lining. you make menudo out of it. :)