imaginary friend

L'Anse aux Meadows...Viking settlement in Newfoundland, 500 years before Columbus: []

pleasepleasepleaseplease tell me this is real!

there was a t-shirt that said, "are my bosons giving you a hadron?"

spoken like a Cubs fan.

both of those BatB movies sound good. based on those descriptions, I'd pay to see 'em.

I wish the happy couple all the best...'cause if they can't make it work, what chance do the rest of us have?

total mouthwatering hottness! :)

I cheered, too. :)

how do you want to see Lori die?

you missed out.

this show is awesome, and has been from the opening scene of the first episode.

I expect to see d-bag1 get up from behind the bar during next week's episode, freshly zombified. :)

where there's smoke, there's firearms.

if I could heart you again, I would.

they be slippin'.

reading this makes me wish that Anthony Burgess had written a novelization of Quadrophenia back in the day.

why have I not heard about The Europa Report before now?

for when you really wanna get away from it all.

it's astounding