I'm a genuis!

Lol, Lost's first half of the first season was great. And then Cuse and Lindelof had some great moments over the course of the rest of it… But the show as a whole was a failure because they all had no idea where it was going

Hey, since it is a miniseries Jar Jar Abrams may actually know how this one ends! Unlike Lost where he started it up, threw things on the screen and had no idea what it meant.

Ok so I have been out of the comics game for decades, might as well try some out now. Is there some sort of compilation of this great Vision run you guys are talking about?

My shoe.

Black Panther SIX? The first movie isn't even out yet you fools!

He died on the way to his home planet

Word. There is no Riker's brother. I wouldn't even say Riker's duplicate as that implies one is more real than the other. From that teleporter accident forward there were TWO Rikers. The one we know on the Enterprise and the other one. Both having the exact same life before the accident.

*thumbs up*

Ah ha. Ok.

Shame on everyone for not making a "this deal's getting worse all the time!" joke.

To be fair, new shit contains a lot of bacteria and is one of the major way diseases are spread.

That's another plot thread that I completely forgot about. I guess the end result is Wells was mad at Garrick for not stopping Zoom? Lol. That's the best the show has to offer there.

Disqus has nothing to do with my point dawg.

My guess is they will get more "hits" from general internet people with the food articles. And then more ad revenue.

Dude you're awesome! Lol shame on the AV Club for not using that!

Since this is a subset of the AV club, is this place going to be only about food portrayed in movies, TV shows and songs?

Hey I may wear diapers but I am not a baby!

Yeah! And that was a great episode. Which is why I keep watching the Flash. Just hope their "Big Bad" next season is planned out and makes sense.

*looks around sheepishly* I never watched Arrow. I only know of those folks from crossovers

You're advertising for me? Thanks but I'd prefer if you got a life instead.