
The first season. The villain being some narcissist asshole with powers in the second season makes it a lot less interesting.

And nobody cared.

No he did something to help, you didn’t and just whined online about it like a titty baby.

No, reparations for black people is idiotic. No American slaves are still alive so there’s no one to give the money to. The candidates that start trying to give out free money to bribe votes are the ones that are going to lose.

Я тут снова немножко моддингом занялся... Ну может быть вы видели модик на исправление локализации и играбельный Кислев. Так, ничего серьезного, но в файлы игры ныряю. И вот вчера, просматривая файл, глаз зацепился за префикс... Присмотрелся и понял, что нашел то, что найти не должен был. Этот кусок кода, скорее

Tornado season is just starting here in the south (though there’s usually a chance all year round, there were a few on Christmas a few years ago). And there’s an El Nino so storms may be more common this year.

It’s always weird when Shreveport is brought up on shows.

Yeah, I won’t hold out much hope. Democrats are pretty useless.

Her and the Democrats fault. She shouldn’t have apologized.

Milkywhitemk6 hates Kevin Sith as much as he hates sand.

Wish he did the other ending idea he had for Red State. Which is what Cabin in the Woods did.

Fuck, now I badly want to play those two games. Wonder if they work on Win 10 if I pirate them since they’re not for sale anywhere.

The trick was they got you to play through that pile of crap.

Nothing anyone can do. Not like you folks would inconvenience yourselves by losing all Google brings to your lives in protest of this.

Maybe you should watch Diso because you clearly haven’t. Sounds like you’ve been reading peoples whining rather than watching this great ST series.

An incredibly likable bigot?