Well, the prostitute might have a family.
Well, the prostitute might have a family.
Don't worry - we had a kid and its still that way. Don't listen to naysayers who say shit like "YEAH WELL WAIT TILL YOU HAVE KIDS"
yep, going home to him is my favorite time of day. Its the time I can discuss everything I've been reading, dealing with, feeling. We often talk for at least an hour or two every evening. Granted we don't have a kid yet but why would i want to go home and run to call all my girlfriends instead?
Right? Going home to someone with whom you've nothing in common sounds... well, straight out of the 50's.
Huh. I couldn't imagine my husband NOT being my best friend. Aside from my coworkers, he's the person I spend the most time with. That would be awfully dreary if we just sort of "got along."
I'm fine with the slowdown. Keep it up long enough and we can decrease revenues from ticketing poor people, trim the budget, and fire some cops. Start with any that have had excessive force complaints.