Wait . . . Goldie Hawn's maiden name isn't Darcy, is it?
Wait . . . Goldie Hawn's maiden name isn't Darcy, is it?
Is there a tactful way to let her know that the complaints were actually about the performance and not the clothing, or lack thereof?
Hey, lay off Ron....Rupert, I mean. #dontmakemegiveyouthestinkeye
Lesson 1 - don't click on anything! :-) Maybe there should be bumper stickers or something.
Oh, my dear, lovely, delicious Severus. All that buttoned up, repressed, Victorian sexzziness just gets my juices flowing. Grr, baby. Grrrr.
I saw that postcard when I looked at PostSecret, as I usually do on Monday mornings. It made me feel sad for the person who sent it, and sad for me because I understood why she sent it.
Right now, my YM status is counting down the days until Harry Potter/DH2. 8 days, baby!! 8 days!!!
Wait . . . there are people who actually click on banner ads?
I have a really good trick for making Nancy Grace tolerable.
You had me at Meryl Streep. She belongs to that select few actors I will watch in anything.
I guess that is the silver lining, huh? :-)
Crap. Does this mean that because I'm bisexual people will start lumping me in with this performance "artist?" Because if so, I'm totally sticking with dudes from now on.
I'm in Nashville. I guess the bars are all the same. :-)
Awww. Bless her little heart.
Whenever I go to the local gay bars here, there are usually as many (if not more) bachelorette parties and straight women as there are gay and lesbian. Truth.
Hey, I've paid a lot more for a little dick.
This is a good way to get the base line even. After you're done with that, take sections of your bangs and twist them and cut just the very tips off. That gives the line some texture and takes away the straight-as-a-ruler look.
Tip No. 1 - Pretend to be Betty White
Having seen an excerpt of last night's debate, may I suggest next time, Bachmann go a bit lighter on the false eyelashes? She can barely blink her eyes.
Now see, Bradley Cooper is one of those guys that I just think....ewww. Probably because he looks like every 80s movie teenage jerk asshole.