Ima B. Me

Left out of this article is that these women/girls are getting something - whatever that something is - out of these awful relationships or they wouldn't stay/go back/find another just like it.

Diana Prince called. Please return her glasses.

It hurt to see him walk off the stage, didn't it?

The worst part of the Oscars was seeing Billy Crystal leave the stage, knowing we were stuck with Franco & Hathaway.

This isn't really surprising. The AI voting bloc *is* mostly teen girls and women. The ability to text-vote just gives that group additional power.

I understand (i) it's illegal and (ii) just like tobacco, it stinks and makes your clothes, your breath and everything around you stink.

Hell, I can't even get my loofah to hang from the shower organizer without the string breaking. Good luck using that string for anything useful.

Yea, that's kind of what my initial reaction always is...."How old are you again? And you're smoking pot? Wookay."

I see your point, but at least in an illustration, you know it's not a 'real' woman. It's an illustration.

First, I've never smoked a cigarette let alone anything else. I drink and have random sex but smoke of any sort is not my vice.

This isn't really retouching though, is it? These are models posing as a reference point for an artist's painting. I think that's a lot different than brushing out wrinkles and cellulite or taking a few inches of a waist in a photograph.

Michael Sheen has played Tony Blair so often, I'm confused when I see the real former PM.

Jezebel's Rules of Snark forbid me answering. Just Google her.

Dear DVF,

Nothing to do with PP (sorry) but in that screen grap, Gwennie looks more like her mother than I've ever seen. Blythe Danner lite.

Having recently seen a photo of Meg Ryan, I'm glad they used Helen Mirren.

I hope the title is referring to something other than what's pictured. Because - ugh.

I'm disappointed there will be no print version. Some of us refuse to give up real books, thankyouverymuch.

This study obviously did not ask anyone I know with two daughters. Or, two sons. Or, any combination of kids, frankly.

I know he's wearing it in my fantasies! :-)